Posts by Senakhtenre

    And with this, the event has ended!

    Congratulations to our winners:

    :star:First place:star:

    Participation number 4 with 32 votes


    :star:Second place:star:

    Participation number 5 with 29 votes


    :star:Third place:star:

    Participation number 6 with 17 votes


    The emojis have been added to the official Discord of Elsword Europe and now you can use them!

    Rewards (the El Coin coupons) will be sent to the winners to the email address used to send their participation. We expect the rewards to be sent during this week or by the end of next week at most.

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to participate!

    And with this the voting is officially closed! Thanks to everyone who voted!

    The results are in:

    :star:First place:star:

    Participation number 4 with 32 votes


    :star:Second place:star:

    Participation number 5 with 29 votes


    :star:Third place*:star:

    Participation number 6 with 17 votes


    * Please note that due to a breaching of the rules, the participation number 7 has been disqualified from the event and thus the next participation with the most votes took its position.

    For full disclosure, attached to this post is a PDF file with the votes, posts number #12 and #17 were not valid and thus they weren't added to the recount.

    Any complaints, questions or comments about these results can be done to me via Conversation up till 30.09.2020, by then the voting will be accepted as valid and rewards will be issued as soon as possible.

    The time to be able to submit your creation to participate on the Express yourself like a true Elsword player! have ended and now it's time to vote!


    • Only accounts registered before the start of the contest (01.09.2020 09:00 AM CEST) can vote.
    • If you participated on the contest you are allowed to vote, however, you cannot vote for yourself.
    • Members of the Volunteer Team of Elsword Europe are allowed to vote with the exception of the Admin Team of Elsword UK (Memoritter, Maeve and Senakhtenre) since only they know who are behind the drawings.
    • Your message must follow the template given.
    • Deadline to vote: 27.09.2020 23:59 CEST.


    3p to participation: N

    2p to participation: N

    1p to participation: N

    N = Number of the participation.

    Now... Let's welcome the participants!

    Participation 1:

    Participation 2:

    Participation 3:

    Participation 4:

    Participation 5:

    Participation 6:

    Participation 7:

    Participation 8:

    Participation 9:

    If you have any questions or complaints do send me a message via Conversation here on the forums. This thread is only to post your vote :)

    Hi there,

    This is the indented behaviour and as such, not a bug.

    While using sites such as Elwiki to check things is, commonly speaking, something good, please do remember that Elwiki is a community/player driven site, as such, not all the information available there may be accurate, true or up to date.

    About your last question, since this isn't a bug nor a situation that happened due to us, an item reimbursement of the scrolls won't be done, sorry.

    With all of that explained, I will close this thread now


    For any questions, feel free to send me a Conversation via the forums :)



    As we expected, it was an issue with the autoscrolling text, this should have been fixed with the last maintenance we had ^^

    Thanks once again for the report and patience while the issue as fixed.

    Listen up, heroes of Elios,

    we have recently updated our password policy on our website. Therefore all new passwords needs to meet up the following criteria:

    • minimum length: 10 chars
    • needs to contain at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 number character

    We also have to inform, that some of our users are experiencing login issues on the website, even if they use the correct password.

    This is a bug we already confirmed and reported, but until it's solved, the only way to gain access to the website is to use the password-lost option.

    We apologize for any inconvenience,

    Your Elsword Team


    Czy kiedykolwiek podczas pisania na Discordzie lub forum brakowało Ci "tego czegoś", żeby w pełni wyrazić swoje emocje? Czy masz talent do rysowania/projektowania?

    Jeśli odpowiedziałeś twierdząco na oba pytania, to na pewno zainteresuje Cię ten event! Zespół Elsword chciałby dać Wam, graczom, możliwość stworzenia nowych, wystrzałowych emotikon. Zwycięzcy zostaną nagrodzeni monetami EL, a ich prace zostaną wykorzystane na naszych platformach.

    Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany udziałem w konkursie, przeczytaj informacje znajdujące się poniżej!


    • Nadesłana praca musi być stworzona całkowicie od zera, tylko i wyłącznie przez uczestnika, który ją wysłał. Korzystanie z prac innych osób jest zabronione i będzie skutkować natychmiastową dyskwalifikacją z konkursu.
    • Emotikona musi mieć rozmiar 128x128 pixeli. Plik nie może ważyć więcej niż 256kb. Jeśli chcesz stworzyć animowaną emotkę, to również musisz spełnić te wymagania.
    • Przed nadesłaniem swojej pracy upewnij się, że nie posiada ona tła, oraz że wygląda dobrze na Forum i obu motywach Discorda (jasnym oraz ciemnym).
    • Twoja praca musi być związana z Elswordem (np. zawierać postać, potworka, NPC, mema związanego z grą). Ogranicza Cię tylko Twoja własna kreatywność!
    • Emotikona musi być stworzona specjalnie na potrzeby tego konkursu. W momencie nadesłania pracy nie może być ona używana na żadnym innym serwerze Discord, forum etc.
    • Zgłoszenia łamiące Ogólne Warunki Korzystania, Regulamin forum, Zasady Gry lub Wytyczne dla Społeczności Discord zostaną odrzucone.
    • Każdy uczestnik może nadesłać tylko JEDNĄ pracę.
    • Członkowie Zespołu Elsword mogą wziąć udział w konkursie, jednak w przypadku zwycięstwa nie otrzymają żadnych nagród.

    Wzięcie udziału:

    Żeby wziąć udział w konkursie, wyślij swoją pracę na w tytule wpisując "Discord Emoji Contest". Upewnij się, że wysyłasz wiadomość z tego samego adresu e-mail, który jest przypisany do Twojego konta w grze.

    Mail powinien zawierać:

    1. Nazwę Twojej postaci
    2. Emotikonę

    Ostateczny termin przyjmowania prac to 20.09.2020. Prace wysłane po tej dacie nie zostaną uwzględnione.

    Uwaga: Nie podanie wymaganych informacji spowoduje automatyczne odrzucenie zgłoszenia.

    Warunki wygranej:

    Zwycięzcy konkursu zostaną wytypowani przez społeczność Elsword Europe drogą publicznego głosowania, które rozpocznie się 21.09.2020 i potrwa 7 dni.

    Podczas głosowania nie zostaną podane nicki uczestników. Każde zgłoszenie powinno pozostać anonimowe aż do ogłoszenia wyników.

    Nagrody: miejsce: 3.000 Monet EL

    2.nd miejsce: 1.500 Monet EL

    3.rd miejsce: 1.080 Monet EL

    Dodatkowe informacje:

    Biorąc udział w konkursie wyrażasz zgodę na to, że Gameforge 4D GmbH może wykorzystać Twoją pracę na swoich platformach, takich jak (lecz nie ograniczone do) forum Elsword Europe oraz serwer Discord Elsword Europe.

    Z niecierpliwością czekamy na Wasze prace!

    Wasz Zespół Elsword


    Mai sentito come se ti mancasse qualcosa per esprimerti al meglio mentre scrivevi messaggi su Discord o un post in Forum? Sei dotato nel disegnare o nella grafica?
    Questo evento è per te! Il Team Europeo di Elsword vorrebbe dare ai nostri utenti la possibilità di creare qualche bella emoji/smilies e di poter non solo venir ricompensati con El Coins, ma anche di poter vedere le proprie creazioni mostrate sulle nostre plattaforme!
    Se fin qui ti sei sentito interessato, allora continua a leggere!


    • Puoi partecipare solo con opere originali, l'uso di opere altrui comporterà la squalifica dal contest.
    • L'emojj/Lo smiley dovrà essere di 128x128 pixel e di dimensioni inferiori a 256KB. PUO' essere animata, finché rientra nei requisiti richiesti.
    • Se possibile, cercare di avere l'opera senza background e assicurarsi che sia ben visibile con entrambi i temi di Discord originali (temi nero e bianco).
    • Deve essere collegata ad Elsword (ad esempio: emoticon/meme che usano personaggi come Rena, NPC come Aran, etc). Il limite è la tua immaginazione!
    • L'opera deve essere inedita (almeno dall'inizio di questo concorso). Questo significa che non è stata usata (o condivisa) su altri server o piattaforme.
    • Le Emoji che non seguono i Termini d'utilizzo di Elsword, i regolamenti di Forum e Gioco di Elsword e i Termini di Servizio e le Linee Guida della Community di Discord saranno scartate..
    • Si può partecipare solo UNA VOLTA.
    • I membri volontari del team di Elsword Europe possono partecipare, ma non potranno ottenere ricompense.


    Invia la tua partecipazione a con oggetto "Discord Emoji Contest". L'indirizzo usato per l'invio deve essere lo stesso in uso per il tuo account di Elsword Europe.

    L'email deve includere:

    1. Il nickname del tuo personaggio
    2. L'emoji

    Hai tempo fino al 20.09.2020 per inviare la tua partecipazione.

    Nota: non includere le informazioni richieste comporterà il respingimento della partecipazione.


    1o posto: 3.000 El Coins

    2o posto: 1.500 El Coins

    3o posto: 1.080 El Coins

    Modalità di vittoria:

    I vincitori saranno scelti con votazioni pubbliche, che inizierà il 21.09.2020 e rimarrà attivo per 7 giorni. Tenete a mente che, sebbene le votazioni siano pubbliche, non verranno pubblicati i nickname durante questa fase, quindi la vostra partecipazione deve essere mantenuta segreta.


    ¿Alguna vez has sentido que te faltaba algo cuando querías expresar cómo te sentías mientras chateabas en Discord o escribías un mensaje en los foros? ¿Tienes el don de diseñar/dibujar?

    ¡Entonces este evento es para ti! El equipo de Elsword Europa quiere dar a sus usuarios la oportunidad de crear emojis/smilies y no solamente ser recompensados con Monedas El ¡también queremos recompensarles mostrando sus creaciones en nuestras plataformas!

    ¿Te parece interesante? ¡Entonces sigue leyendo!


    • Tu participación debe ser de creación propia; usar como participación algo creado por otra persona te descalificará del concurso.
    • El emoji/smiley debe ser de 128x128 píxeles y de un peso inferior a 256kb. PUEDE ser animado, siempre y cuando se cumpla con el resto de requisitos.
    • Idealmente, evita usar fondos y asegúrate de que se verá bien en ambos temas originales de Discord (blanco y negro)
    • Debe estar relacionado con Elsword (ejemplos tales como: emociones/memes usando personajes como Rena, NPCs como Aranka, etc) ¡el límite es tu imaginación!
    • Tu creación debe ser única (al menos al momento de este concurso) esto significa que no debe estar en uso (o ser compartido) en otros lugares/servidores.
    • Los emojis que no cumplan con las Condiciones de uso de Elsword, reglas del Foro y Juego de Elsword Europa y las Directivas de la comunidad de Discord serán rechazados.
    • Puedes participar UNA vez.
    • Los miembros del equipo voluntario de Elsword Europa pueden participar pero no podrán recibir los premios.


    Envía tu participación al correo electrónico con el asunto "Discord Emoji Contest", el correo electrónico usado debe ser el mismo que usas en tu cuenta de Elsword Europa.

    El email debe incluir:

    1. El nombre de tu personaje en el juego
    2. El emoji

    Tienes hasta el 20.09.2020 para enviar tu participación.

    Nota: No incluir la información requerida en el correo conllevará el rechazo de la participación.


    1er puesto: 3.000 Monedas El

    2do puesto: 1.500 Monedas El

    3er puesto: 1.080 Monedas El

    Condiciones para ganar:

    Los ganadores serán decididos mediante una votación pública que comenzará el 21.09.2020 y que durará 7 días.

    Ten presente que debido a que la votación es pública, no se dirá el nombre de ninguno de los participantes en lo que la votación se encuentra activa, por lo tanto, debes mantener tu participación en secreto.

    Información adicional:

    Al enviar tu participación declaras tu conformidad con que Gameforge 4D GmbH tendrá permiso para usar tu participación en sus servicios, tales como (pero sin limitarse a) los foros de Elsword Europa y el servidor de Discord de Elsword Europa.

    ¡Esperamos tu participación!

    Tu equipo de Elsword.


    Hattest du schonmal das Gefühl dass es etwas fehlt und du dich im Discord oder im Forum nicht richtig ausdrücken konntest? Kannst du gut Zeichnen oder Gestalten?

    Dieses Event ist nur für euch! Das Elsword EU Team würde euch gerne eine Chance geben die nicht nur mit El Coins belohnt wird, sondern auch eure Emojis in unseren Plattformen zu präsentieren!

    Wenn du interessiert bist kannst du gerne weiterlesen!


    • Deine Einsendung muss deine eigene Idee sein, die Verwendung der Kreation einer anderen Person disqualifiziert dich vom Wettbewerb.
    • Der Emoji/Smiley muss 128x128 Pixels und weniger als 256 kb haben. Es kann animiert sein solang der Rest der Anforderungen erfüllt wird
    • Am besten verwende keinen Hintergrund damit es in beiden Designs von Discord gut aussieht (helles und dunkles Design)
    • Es muss mit Elsword zu tun haben. (z.B. Emotionen/Memes mit Charakteren wie Rena, NPC wie Aranka oder andere Charakteren) Das Limit ist eure Kreativität.
    • Deine Kreation muss einzigartig sein (zumindest zum Zeitpunkt dieses Wettbewerbs), was bedeutet, dass sie nicht auf anderen Servern oder an anderen Orten verwendet wird (oder freigegeben wurde).
    • Emojis, die sich nicht an die Elsword Nutzungsbedingungen, die Elsword Forum- und Spielregeln und die Discord Nutzungsbedingungen und Community Richtlinien halten, werden abgelehnt.
    • Du kannst nur EINMAL teilnehmen.


    Du hast bis 20.09.2020 Zeit deinen Emoji einzuschicken

    Sende deine Kreation an mit dem Betreff "Discord Emoji Contest". Die verwendete E-Mail muss die gleiche sein wie die, die du bei deinem Elsword Account verwendest.

    Die Email sollte folgendes enthalten:

    1. Deinen Charaktername
    2. Den Emoji

    Zusatz: Wenn Ihr die angeforderten Informationen nicht einreicht, wird die Teilnahme abgelehnt.

    Ablauf des Votings:

    Die Gewinner werden mit einer öffentlichen Umfrage bestimmt die am 21.09.2020 für 7 Tage gestartet wird.

    Es ist zu beachten das wir während der Umfrage keine Nicknamen nennen werden daher musst du deine Teilnahme geheim halten.


    1ster Platz: 3.000 El Coins

    2ter Platz: 1.500 El Coins

    3ter Platz: 1.080 El Coins

    Zusätzliche Informationen:

    Mit dem Absenden Eurer Einsendung erklärt Ihr euch damit einverstanden, dass die Gameforge 4D GmbH eure Arbeit im Rahmen ihrer Dienstleistungen, wie z.B. (aber nicht beschränkt auf) die Elsword Europe Foren und den Elsword Europe Discord Server, nutzen darf.

    Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme!

    Euer Elsword Team.

    Deutsch | Español | Italiano | Polskim


    Have you ever feel like you were missing something to express how you really felt while chatting on Discord or posting in our forums? Do you have the gift of being able to draw/design?

    Then this event is just for you! The Elsword Europe Team would like to give our users the chance to create some cool emojis/smilies and get the chance to not only be rewarded with El Coins but also being able to get their art showcased within our platforms!

    If so far this is interesting for you, continue reading!


    • Your participation must be your own creation, using the creation of someone will disqualify you from the contest.
    • The emoji/smiley must be 128x128 pixels and less than 256kb in size. IT CAN be animated, so long as the rest of the requirements are met.
    • Ideally, keep your creation without any background and make sure it would look good in both original Discord themes (black and white themes)
    • It needs to be related to Elsword (examples such as: emotions/memes using characters like Rena, NPCs like Aranka, etc) the limit is your creativity!
    • Your creation must be unique (at least at the moment of this contest) this meaning it isn't used (or has been shared) in other servers or places.
    • Emojis that do not follow the Elsword Terms of Use, Elsword Forum and Game Rules and Discord Terms of Service and Community Guidelines will be rejected.
    • You can participate ONCE.
    • Members of the volunteer team of Elsword Europe are allowed to participate but won't be allowed to get the rewards.


    Send your participation to with the subject "Discord Emoji Contest", the email used must be the same as the one you use in your Elsword Europe account.

    The email should include:

    1. Your character name
    2. The emoji

    You have till the 20.09.2020 to send your participation.

    Note: Failing to include the requested information will result in your participation being rejected.


    1st place: 3.000 El Coins

    2nd place: 1.500 El Coins

    3rd place: 1.080 El Coins

    Winning condition:

    Winners will be decided with a public vote that will start on 21.09.2020 and it will run for 7 days.

    Do keep in mind that while the voting is public, we won't disclose nicknames during such phase, therefore, your participation must be kept a secret.

    Additional information:

    By sending your submission you agree that Gameforge 4D GmbH will be allowed to use your work within their services, such as (but not limited to) the Elsword Europe forums and Elsword Europe Discord server.

    We are looking forward to your participations!

    Your Elsword Team.

    Heroes of Elios,

    Next Wednesday, 02.09.2020 starting on 07:30 AM (German Time) we will be carrying out our scheduled payment maintenance. The expected downtime is 30 minutes.

    For the duration of the maintenance, payment related services might be not available.


    Your Elsword Team.

    Hello everyone,

    It seems that some players (myself included) have been able to access the website again by resetting the password via the website to a new and secure password (check this guide: [Guide] Keeping your account safe. The path to living a happy Elsword life! if you want to be up to speed about security measures and how to build a good password!).

    If this doesn't help you (or you are unable to reset your password for whatever reason) please, do get in touch with the Game Support via our support system (if you don't know how to use our support system, check this guide: How to add an e-mail address to your support account?) since we will need additional information from you.

    Once in there, please give us the following information:

    • Your account name
    • Time of the login attempt that failed
    • Browser
    • Browser version
    • Do you have any plugins/addons/scripts installed? If so, which ones?

    I will close this thread now since from now on everything about this must be handled via support system, since we are requesting delicate information.

    Thanks in advance for your collaboration :)

    :CoBofriends: Elsword players!

    Our Board Admin Bewear has decided to step down of her position within Elsword UK due to lack of time. I would like to thank her once again for everything she has done for us; you know Elsword UK will forever be our baby <3

    Her position will be now handled by your beloved Event Manager ba1.png Maeve ba2.png! Congratulations, I know you will do great -even if you are a Rena main, Eve for the win uwu- with your new position!

    Heroes of Elios,

    It has come to our attention that some of our players have been doing trade agreements (and encouraging others to do so) via Discord.

    The Elsword Team would like to remind their players that in case of scams, only screenshots taken from the game can be taken into consideration for such reports, therefore, our players should reaffirm in-game the trade agreement.

    Please, do be really mindful, make sure you take screenshots (or record) of EVERYTHING: The trade agreement (what is going to be traded, who goes first, if you're going to "lend" someone something, when that will be returned, etc), your inventory previous to the trade, the screenshot of the trade window, your inventory once the trade has been done and pretty much anything you can think of, these screenshots need be the original ones and cannot be altered in any way (same goes to videos. No cuts, no edit, no added music).

    Additionally, do make sure the trade and trade agreement is done by the same characters.

    Take a look at our guide: How do I report Scammers? for a more detailed guide about these situations and how to prevent them.

    Be careful and safe when trading! Thanks for your attention.


    Your Elsword Team.

    Dear community,

    Another week of new things to play with is ahead of us and once again we would like to listen to your feedback about it!

    You don't know what's new this week?:

    Let us know what you think about it. What did you like? What did you dislike? How can the things you didn't like be improved in the future?

    This feedback will be sent to the appropriate people at Gameforge along with the rest of the feedback we gather on a weekly basis from other places.

    /!\ NOTE: Please do keep in mind that the Forum Rules still apply here and your post should follow them.

    /!\ NOTE: This thread is NOT a place to report bugs. Such things should be reported ALWAYS via support system or our Bug Report section.

    Messages that don't follow the purpose of this thread or the rules may be deleted and appropriate measures may be taken if needed.


    Your Elsword Team.