Heroes of Elios,
The following issue has been fixed:
- Fixed an issue where the title "Flega's Binder" from Flegas' Labyrinth (16-3) was invisible on the Title UI
Kind regards,
Your Elsword Team.
Heroes of Elios,
The following issue has been fixed:
Kind regards,
Your Elsword Team.
Heroes of Elios,
With an upcoming maintenance, the following issues will be fixed:
Kind regards,
Your Elsword Team.
Hello everyone,
The Tech Team is still looking for new Heroes of Elios that would like to join our ranks.
Do you like Elsword? Do you enjoy testing the game and reporting bugs? Are you able to communicate with people in English? Then you might be the right fit for us!
At the moment we're looking for Tech Members for any of our six languages so if you're interested, send your application! (Remember, it must be in English)
We look forward to your applications!
Your Elsword Tech Team.
Heroes of Elios,
With an upcoming maintenance, the following issues will be fixed:
Kind regards,
Your Elsword Team.
Why do you actually need a PSC account when you want to load up?
Important changes to payments with Paysafecard
As for your second question, to my understanding no, there is no way to charge EL Coins without an account if the card is above the 50E value.
Stan Lee Sun-mi
Elsword players!
This message is to let everyone know that as of 26.01. I will step down from my position of Team Manager for both Elsword UK and PL.
It has been almost seven years since I started playing Elsword and almost five since I joined the team of Elsword UK as a Moderator. Since then, plenty of things have changed both in and outside the game but one thing is for sure: Elsword is amazing and I love it with all my heart.
I am not going anywhere (well I kinda am, because I will be moving somewhere but you get what I am saying) so I will still drop by Discord, the forums, and in-game once I have my computer with me (say hello to my beautiful Eve if you happen to see me! :P) but just as a player.
Thanks to everyone for being -most of the time :P- an amazing group of people that understood my position and could see how much I care about the game.
Thread moved to the German forums.
For future reference, please do make sure you are posting on the correct place/language
Elsword players!
Today I'm sad to announce that our beloved Darkfall has decided to step down from his position at Elsword UK due to lack of time. I would like to personally thank him for all the work he did for us from the moment he joined our team years ago and for letting me pick his brains when I was clueless about things.
I wish you the best ma' dude
Bohaterowie Elios,
Kolejny rok (NARESZCIE) dobiega końca, a to może znaczyć tylko jedno... Święta zbliżają się wielkimi krokami. Dla mnie to czas pełen sentymentów!
Tak jak co roku, również tym razem chcemy pozwolić członkom naszego zespołu spędzić ten czas spokojnie i rodzinnie. W związku z tym od 22 grudnia do 4 stycznia średni czas odpowiedzi na Wasze zgłoszenia będzie dłuższy, a nasza obecność na Discordzie mniejsza niż zazwyczaj.
W 2020 w Elswordzie zaszło bardzo wiele zmian... Nasze ukochane postacie otrzymały długo oczekiwane rebooty, plansze zostały zrevampowane (Sekrety, Hero... nawet Pepsiman!), pojawiły się Klasy Mistrza (wraz ze świetnymi animacjami podczas odpalania dopalacza mocy), Domy El, masa eventów, kilkanaście zmian mających poprawić nasze wrażenia z gry, takich jak Szablony, i - jako wisienka na torcie - 10 urodziny Elsword EU... (tak, wiem, nie wymieniłem wszystkiego, jestem już za stary żeby pamiętać co wydarzyło się przez cały rok).
Powiedzieć, że 2020 był zwariowany to za mało. Mamy nadzieję, że Elsword pomógł wam oderwać się choć trochę od codziennych trudów prawdziwego życia.
Z głębi serca pragniemy, żeby 2021 rok był przepełniony szczęściem i wspaniałymi wspomnieniami.
Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! Teraz bardziej niż kiedykolwiek życzymy, abyście ostatnie dni tego roku spędzili bezpiecznie, ostrożnie i przestrzegając zaleceń tak, żebyśmy z początkiem Nowego Roku zostawili COVID daleko za sobą.
Wszystkiego dobrego,
Wasz Zespół Elsword PL.
Thanks to Foxed for the graphic
and Gekoro for the translation ♥
Heroes of Elios,
This year is -FINALLY!- close to its end and you all know what that means... The holidays are here and it's time for Senakhtenre to be sentimental! As we do every year, we would like to allow our volunteer team to take the holidays for themselves should they wish to, therefore, starting on 22nd December and till the 4th January the average response time in our Support System for the UK Team might be longer than usual and their presence in our Discord server might be less. Worry not, your tickets will still be handled in a timely manner.
It has been a busy 2020 for Elsword Europe... All our characters got their long-awaited reboots, plenty of dungeons got revamped to spice things up (Heroics, Secret Dungeons... Even Pepsiman!), Master Class made their entrance into our game (with those cool animations when you use your awakening ), ELHouse, plenty of events, some cool changes to improve our experience like the Preset System and our baby Elsword Europe turning 10... (I know I'm missing some content but I'm getting old and don't recall everything).
To say 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year would be an understatement for -I dare to say- all of us and I hope Elsword was able to help you all with distracting a bit of how scary this year has been.
Let us hope for 2021 full of good things and moments instead of what we got this year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Now more than ever, please remember to stay safe, be careful, and follow the rules/guidelines of your city/country to ensure we leave COVID behind.
Happy Holidays,
Your Elsword UK Team.
Bohaterowie Elios,
W dniu 18.11.2020 o godz. 8:00 AM CET, przeprowadzimy przerwę techniczną systemów płatności.
W tym czasie wszystkie usługi powiązane z płatnościami będą niedostępne. Przerwa potrwa około 30 minut.
Z poważaniem,
Wasz Zespół Elsword
Heroes of Elios,
Next Wednesday, 18.11.2020 starting on 08:00 AM (German Time) we will be carrying out our scheduled payment maintenance. The expected downtime is 30 minutes.
For the duration of the maintenance, payment related services might be not available.
Your Elsword Team.
Bohaterowie Elios,
Zauważyliśmy mały problem z wyświetlaniem listy nagród w grze. Dzień 25. jest wyświetlany dwa razy, więc we wszystkich kolejnych dniach wyświetlana jest zła data. To tylko błąd wizualny - nagrody są nadal rozdzielane zgodnie z planem.
Wasz Zespół Elsword
As mentioned by Creska, there is a maintenance going on.
Bohaterowie Elios, słuchajcie!
W trakcie jutrzejszej aktualizacji wykonamy również rebalans umiejętności.
Szczegółowe informacje znajdują się w pliku .pdf poniżej (przepraszamy za angielski)
Wasz zespół Elsword
Hi there,
There are reasons why the Elsword Europe Team is always asking the players to take the "guess the date for the update" game with a grain of salt. Things may or may not come when people guess it but in the end, we are still Elsword Europe and things will get here when scheduled and we might not follow the same pattern/schedule as the other servers.
While there is no reason to think we won't get such update, things will be posted and announced when needed as per usual in our website/forums. For now, there is no reason to think that patch will get here since it has not been posted at all.
Hi there,
If you have a support account and you're sure the password is correct but still it gives you some kind of error on the support site, I would personally advise you to try with either other browsers or going into Incognito Mode to ensure you are not running any plugins/addons since this has been known to cause issues from time to time and using a clean browser usually helps to at least figure out the issue is not the support site itself.
Now, about the bug: We do handle bugs in the forums so you are most welcome to report it here, however, keep in mind that if the issue is directly related to your account (or if the issue requires of us to gather personal information such as account name-character name and others, we will redirect you to the support since we can only do so there. My personal suggestion: Try to get the situation with the support site fixed first
The rewards have been delivered! Please do check your Spam folder if you haven't gotten a reply from our event email.