Seperate Latin American and European Players, give both a respective server.

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  • Nice job ignoring my second sentence wich was the most important of my argument. (or at least it looks like you did, i don't wanna sound rude)

    I am implying that those two sentences are two seperate points, because of that I only quoted the first sentence

    Amellia if they suddenly teleport behind you and can successfully perform a combo then there is a 10/10 chance its a force lagger, usually the character moves forward (/backwards) during his combos (i.e. ZZZZ from Elsword), which means they can see the future and attack into the air 10-20s before you are arriving there


  • Amellia Doesn't change the fact, that cheap tactics like this (usually) work (up to a point) in any match. How you personally justify using them is your own issue.

    rearquadruplepolish Not too sure about that. If they teleport all the time, it's more likely that it isn't deliberate. If they do however only jump around for (evading) catches, there's a high chance that you're right.

  • :infavor::infavor::infavor:

    Naturally :opposed:

    This is nothing more than a xenophobic outbreak of people who, in a clear exercise of selfishness, want to make others, with the same right as they to play Elsword, leave everything they have dedicated and invested in this server for a whim which is banal, insignificant and clearly insufficient to justify a measure of such caliber.

    No. As a PvP player since 2012 - I would recommend you to try some PvP against those people. There are always two sides to a story. Why do we have to be negatively affected by their geographical location? We're playing Elsword Europe, not Elsword World. It is very easy to say that something is bound with hatred, phobia and other stuff but what about our rights? European server is dedicated for us and it should provide us conditions good enough to play without such problems. And connection problem with Latinos is a major problem of whole community.

    We can have lag. They just have.

    Elsword is for everyone - as we can see, there's Elsword for South Korea, Elsword for North America, Elsword for Taiwan, for China, for Brasil and so on. And there's also our Elsword Europe. For Europe. Korea can have IP block, NA can have IP block and it is not xenophobic, selfish, and "in a clear exercise of selfishness". They are avoiding problems that we are creating for ourselves instead of following their example.

  • What rights do you mean? The "European" clients funnily enough lack quite a number of languages that would be spoken in Europe, so any dedication that you might pull out of your imagination is weak at best. Also try reconciling Elsword being for everyone with some regions clearly lacking a server dedicated to them. And yes, NA/KR region blocks are the same acts of selfishness, especially considering that they lock others out of content that their servers don't have.

    There are always two sides to a story. Why do we have to be negatively affected by their geographical location?

    Maybe because they're as negatively affected by your location? Funny how there clearly are two sides to this, but you're only considering your own misery of sometimes being matched up with them.

  • Opposed.

    Latinos plays in EU server basically because they are included inside ES. Why? Easy. Historical reasons.

    Spanish is spoken in almost the entire Central/South America continent. Former ES server was for ALL spanish speakers, so it naturally includes them.

    Just to make an example:

    Imagine Germany or Italy would have got some former colony in some really far territory, that territory would have German/Italian speakers who would have played Elsword in former DE/IT Elsword server.

    After the merge we would have got (high-ping) players from that hypothetical German/Italian region!!!!

    Would you like to exclude them from EU?

    I don't think so.

    And the same example from each country.

    I have a lot of latinos friends that speak my language. And I am really opossed to lose them from the game.

    Furthermore, latinos also expend money and time in this game.

    Do we have any piece of authority to destroy all their efforts? No.

    Latinos are linked to ES and ES is linked to EU because of historical reasons.

    There's nothing we can do to change that.

    Unless someone can change past. Can someone do that?:)

  • There are always two sides to a story. Why do we have to be negatively affected by their geographical location?

    Maybe because they're as negatively affected by your location? Funny how there clearly are two sides to this, but you're only considering your own misery of sometimes being matched up with them.

    Yeah, it works like that. I am affected by their location and they are affected by mine. But as I stated before, it's Elsword Europe and it is their 'fault' if they're not from Europe, because their disturbing European players.

    'Fault', and please don't even start moaning about how they couldn't choose birthplace, it's inadequate.

  • Germany does have such country ._.
    although its not really that far away and it's called Austria


  • you haven't understood my example. Please ready it again.

  • Opposed.

    Latinos plays in EU server basically because they are included inside ES. Why? Easy. Historical reasons.

    Spanish is spoken in almost the entire Central/South America continent. Former ES server was for ALL spanish speakers, so it naturally includes them.

    Noone argues that the decision of the first latam Elsword server using portugese instead of spanish was dumb. Fact of the matter is that the server was located in europe and was intended to be used for european citizens living in Spain, not for people playing from latin american, which, btw, had their own server during ES launch.

    I, and many others, would do so, because even though they speak our language it doesn't mean they're living in the intended region of the server. If players from other regions would've been minded in GFs server, it would be called Elsword International and not Europe. See the difference of intended customers in these names?

    The only reason for Latin Americans to be "linked" to ES was their unwillingness to learn portugese (which they need for jobs either way) and rather dump their time and money into an server which they had less trouble understanding things at the cost of citizens for which the server was intended for. Saying that they're "linked" to ES is false.

    It was their decision to join Elsword ES/EU and should therefor consider their own actions first instead of letting these problems slide and demand server changes for us to not have any troubles anymore.

    Yes, GF has all the authority to destroy their efforts, because, ultimately, they don't own their accounts, but GF does. If GF decides to permanently ban every latam player than they have to deal with these repercussions. We players cannot do so, that is indeed true, but it doesn't prevent the playerbase to exclude latam players from joining user-made events, such as PvP tournaments.


  • Yagame I do remember times when Austrians and Swiss people were blamed for distance lag, so your example still holds regardless of said detail.

    please don't even start moaning about how they couldn't choose birthplace, it's inadequate.

    Actually, it's quite adequate, you just don't want to hear it because it ruins your argument. None of us had any say in our birthplace and only some could afford to move, many of which were also forced to. Neither did any of us have any say in the label Gameforge chose to market their product, so how is any of that their fault?

  • i did understand it, sorry if you got the impression i didn't, by naming a country that does every thing what germany does which
    isn't Germany at all and is somewhat away from where the Servers are, which might cause laggs for some, because of the distance.

    you basically asked "if we had such" country and would exclude it because of that
    we do have a country like that.


  • The only reason for Latin Americans to be "linked" to ES was their unwillingness to learn portugese (which they need for jobs either way) and rather dump their time and money into an server which they had less trouble understanding things at the cost of citizens for which the server was intended for. Saying that they're "linked" to ES is false.

    It was their decision to join Elsword ES/EU and should therefor consider their own actions first instead of letting these problems slide and demand server changes for us to not have any troubles anymore.

    Yes, GF has all the authority to destroy their efforts, because, ultimately, they don't own their accounts, but GF does. If GF decides to permanently ban every latam player than they have to deal with these repercussions. We players cannot do so, that is indeed true, but it doesn't prevent the playerbase to exclude latam players from joining user-made events, such as PvP tournaments.

    The main language of all countries from latin America (excluded Brazil) is Spanish not Portuguese.

    Why do they have to learn Portuguese just to play elsword and not disturbing some europeans? No sense.

    In fact, there is a BR server. Latinos won't play in that server simply because they use another language that is not theirs.

    Latinos are linked to ES because of the spanish language.

    Latinos are linked to ES since the beginin of the server, long before the merge.

  • Just stop it.

    The entire world has to learn english to be able to properly communicate with each other,. Brazil citizens have to learn portugese in their schools aswell BECAUSE IN jobs ppl mainly speak portugese as their communication language. Therefor they inevitably have to learn their secondary language, whether its through Elsword or through their school/workplace.

    It was simply easier and more convinient to simply migrate into Elsword ES than to actually learn a secondary language which they need to learn regardless. They are not linked to Elsword ES because they speak spanish or else I'm linked to Elsword NA/Int when speaking english or any asian server when speaking their respective language.

    Its nonsense saying they're linked because of the same language. This is not true in the slightest and is a dumb argument.


  • Do we have any piece of authority to destroy all their efforts? No.

    This tells me you either didn't read or didn't understand the suggestion. I said it before and I'll say it again: No effort is going to be wasted if this get's implemented the way I want it to. They keep their characters, gear, money, items and whatever else they have. The only thing that would change is the amount of people and that wouldn't impact the game at all for most players due to timezones.

  • Just stop it.

    The entire world has to learn english to be able to properly communicate with each other,. Brazil citizens have to learn portugese in their schools aswell BECAUSE IN jobs ppl mainly speak portugese as their communication language. Therefor they inevitably have to learn their secondary language, whether its through Elsword or through their school/workplace.

    It was simply easier and more convinient to simply migrate into Elsword ES than to actually learn a secondary language which they need to learn regardless. They are not linked to Elsword ES because they speak spanish or else I'm linked to Elsword NA/Int when speaking english or any asian server when speaking their respective language.

    Its nonsense saying they're linked because of the same language. This is not true in the slightest and is a dumb .

    i think we have to clarify some things.

    When i say latinos i mean All latam except Brazil. There isn't any player from Brazil in EU. Only players from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, México etc in which the main language is spanish.

    When you want to play a game, you'll chose the server in which your language is spoken. Latinos will chose ES. It cannot be more logical.


    Latinos are linked to ES because of spanish language.

  • i think we have to clarify some things.

    When i say latinos i mean All latam except Brazil. There isn't any player from Brazil in EU. Only players from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, México etc in which the main language is spanish.

    When you want to play a game, you'll chose the server in which your language is spoken. Latinos will chose ES. It cannot be more logical.


    Latinos are linked to ES because of spanish language.

    I don't know whether you can't comprehend it or if my english is simply bad.

    Every single country in latin america has to learn portugese. Just like we germans have to learn english. Just because I speak english doesn't mean I'm suddenly linked to the Elsword NA server. They chose the easier way instead of doing the right thing for everyone (themselves included).

    A language doesn't link you to a different country or server. You yourself identify with said country with having said citizenship. If the language would link yourself to any country in which the language is spoken, then the whole world could be united with english immediately.


  • I don't know whether you can't comprehend it or if my english is simply bad.

    Every single country in latin america has to learn portugese. Just like we germans have to learn english. Just because I speak english doesn't mean I'm suddenly linked to the Elsword NA server. They chose the easier way instead of doing the right thing for everyone (themselves included).

    A language doesn't link you to a different country or server. You yourself identify with said country with having said citizenship. If the language would link yourself to any country in which the language is spoken, then the whole world could be united with english immediately.

    I'm just trying to convince you that your point of view isn't fair.

    Another example.

    Imagine there isn't EN/EU server. Your mother language is english. And the only english server available is NA. If you like to play Elsword you have 2 options:

    a) Resign yourself and not playing elsword because NA is not in your country (i'm supposing you are from the UK)

    b) Create an account in NA server even if Atlantic ocean is between you and the server which will make some NA players rage because of your high ping.

    What will you do? I am pretty sure you'll chose option b)

    Latinos also.