Seperate Latin American and European Players, give both a respective server.

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  • Well, no doubt my vote is against. Here are the reasons why:

    I know quite a few players from other servers outside the ES that gives them lag, to such an extent that even the same ones from your server complain about them.

    A separation will not solve the problem of latency, because as I mentioned before, it will still not solve the problem of high ping.

    A good measure would undoubtedly be to force the player in PvE that if he has 300 ping or higher he can not use the grouping, because even a Latin with 0.5 MB network will not exceed them. The same for PvP, that the pairing does not allow you to play until your network improves, even in practice PvP. In case a player has an increased ping of more than 300, a warning appears on screen that his ping is above the established limit and that if he doesn't stabilize it in 15 seconds he will be transported to the village.

    People here misunderstand the situation, it is very different the Delay that is treatable (As I mentioned earlier with less than 300 ping, you can do xdrops without problems or play) to ping abuse, which is the real problem of Elsword.

    I'm still surprised that at this point you still think that ES = Lag. Since it has already been seen on many occasions that in all servers there is abuse of ping (Which players are aware of and use it for the same reason.).

    Just put a ping limit system is enough, because with 300 ping or less is quite playable and does not reach the degree of ''frustrate'' players. And stop naming IP ban, that personally that would only make those players use VPN and have a ping too high, making them affect 100% of the game experience.

    I'm sorry if I don't write well in English, but I hope the point is understood.

  • Not only would supporters of this suggestion disagree with you for arbitrarily establishing acceptable latency at 300ms when "100ms is already too much" according to some, but it also wouldn't make sense to exclude the few – you implicitly claim that they'd be few by positing, that "even LatAm players with bad networks" would not exceed that number – players that actually have >300ms latency (even if only some of the time), as their overall impact on the game is already limited by their number.

    As far as any abuse is concerned: prove it. Many people frequenting such threads assume the existence of latency in itself to be enough proof to warrant a ban on the grounds of "griefplay", but I'm not here to play their game of "guilty until proven innocent". If you had any evidence to suggest that certain players used unfair means to their advantage, you wouldn't be sitting here writing forum posts that vaguely reference their actions, you'd take that to the support, who'd ban said abusers if they agreed with your definition of abuse and saw your evidence as sufficient. And if they didn't, what makes you think that others would?

  • Ludacris You should be less hostile, even if you're not wrong, insulting is not a good way to explain yourself

    If i'm an useless crap, i will try to, at least, support the carry and try to not slow it down, this is not being its dog, it is just fucking COMMON SENSE

    And even if i don't want to, i wont say "No fuck you", so, MissMary can you, please, not notice only the "hate" in these words

    Coming back to the real subject

    Honestly, you're aiming LA, but... Even before the merge, we had laggers (FR), and it's still the case now, it's not just ES, and tbh, i see more FR/DE laggers than ES in dungeons, so...

    I will say it again, LA aren't spanish -Nationality-, but what about France overseas ? They are french, considered as France's territory, and they are even further than LA, and so what ? We should kick em' out just because "You tard laggers" ? No

    Tbh, in dungeon, lag is not a problem, except in rare cases, which you just have to leave because the mobs count is stuck at 1 and the gate won't let you pass and say "You shall not clean"

    BUT the afk ones are

    Why ? Because of stacks, buffs, and consums, when someone is afk in every stage and do everything to stay alive, yes, f**k em all, keep your stacks when someone is afk is just boring as hell, and it's ruining the whole run because of consum, CD and sanity

    (Don't tell we have an anti afk system, it's not showing its face till the guilty afker is active)

    Separate LUA users and AFK players, they're worst than laggers

    I'm poetic, yall jealous

  • Did you try playing pvp recently?

    ES laggers easily outnumber anything else on lower rank - it's disgusting. Funny enough - many of them play a rather lag unsensitive class on top of it which makes winning pretty hard.

    Also i have yet to play with someone that was afk and not kickable.

  • Esseker how is Ludacris in the right? You cannot simply demand to be buffed without prior agreement and his posts clearly show that that's exactly what he does. Most carriers simply rush through any dungeon, because that's what they'd do anyway, no one should be obliged to worship them for their presence. Sure, cooperation would be nice, but it's not like they care for the sake of the party, they will just clear the dungeon as fast as possible and then leave because it still wasn't fast enough, even if the rest of the party does their best to match their pace.

    There is nothing in his position but the hate towards people who dare to slow down his run, and that's exactly the same with your feelings towards afk players. Sure, they don't contribute anything to actually clearing the dungeon (although with their gear they probably couldn't even if they wanted to), and having to wait a few seconds until they show up takes patience, but the only thing you're right about in your rant, are stacks. Buffs can easily be renewed and cooldowns – both for skills and pots – actually sink while waiting (who would have thought?), plus certain characters can even take their time to regenerate resources. Perhaps awakening can be added to the list of annoyances, but the same holds for those who kill all the mobs before oneself, which for some reason no one has anything against. (I wonder why.)

    Junis if winning against lag is pretty hard, how come so many of them are still stuck at low ranks? :/

  • I never said that i agree with all this hostility, there is no crime if you request for a buff, till you do this with respect, that's all i'm saying rn

    Tbh, it's annoying to buff 3-4 times per stage, especially when it's not just only one buff (So, using around 200mp x 3-4), because you have to keep your stacks and buff your ass, which uses your consums for no reason

    And yeah, i forgot the boost

    but the same holds for those who kill all the mobs before oneself, which for some reason no one has anything against.

    Because being carried is a good reason, that's all

  • if winning against lag is pretty hard, how come so many of them are still stuck at low ranks? :/

    Poor countrys -> no money -> no cash-shop -> no gear. Gear is the most important factor when it comes to deciding a lag-match so since they don't have that, they're stuck at low ranks. This is also the reason why I hate laggy matches since it diminishes the skill required and makes it even more reliant on gear/class/luck than PvP already is. There are however enough high-geared ones on Star-Rank as well.

    I will say it again, LA aren't spanish -Nationality-, but what about France overseas ? They are french, considered as France's territory, and they are even further than LA, and so what ? We should kick em' out just because "You tard laggers" ? No

    I did speak of LA, yes. I meant however any region besides europe. Obviously that includes colonys as well as eg. players from singapore on the EN-Server. I wouldn't call it "kicking out" though since I did say I wanted GF to provide a different server for them and a free transfer of their characters to that server.

    I also thought about maybe just seperating queues with 2 options: regional and international. International wouldn't change anything from how it is now but if you choose regional, you'll only be matched with ppl in your region/continent. Obviously, Leaderboards will only be available on regional levels since lag hinders the competiton too much so eg. PvP-Matches found using international queue would be treated like sparring-matches. This would however require a considerable amount of work from KoG and wouldn't be a solution GF could do on it's own anymore.

  • You're still kicking them out if they aren't allowed to freely choose which server they want to play on. Kicking them out nicely is still kicking them out, no matter which words you use to describe it.

    Of course when dealing with an issue that makes gear and class imbalances "more obvious" (I can't really see, how lag matches are that much more reliant on those factors rather than skill with that already being a general trend, but let's just go ahead with your assumption), the solution can not be the removal of those influences, which already affect PvP without lag included. No, that particular issue is at fault for any other problems we might encounter, especially those that we already encounter in its absence. Funny how that works.

    Tbh, it's annoying to buff 3-4 times per stage, especially when it's not just only one buff (So, using around 200mp x 3-4), because you have to keep your stacks and buff your ass, which uses your consums for no reason

    I don't think we're using the same definition of "stage" here, otherwise I'm very confused as to how some person that wouldn't even do much damage if they did actively participate somehow has a negative impact on your clear speed already within the stage. Between stages you should already have collected more than enough MP to keep your buffs up, or if you subscribe to the idea that pot/skill spam is the most efficient playstyle you would already consume without reason.

  • By the way.

    [ES] Players come from various countries.

    There are even players from chile that play on the [ES] Server which basically means that there is no option about splitting the servers.

  • having a bad connection does not give you the right to exploit it or harrass people verbally that tell you that you have bad connections...
    i had one of those few days ago but unfortunately it seems i can't access the support as of now.
    the way he talked with me is absolutely below anything...
    and that such people exist on our server with the [ES] Tag behind their names...
    I'm not mad at them at all don't get me wrong it's that ones that are also rude and don't care about their network stability ...


  • having a bad connection does not give you the right to exploit it or harrass people verbally that tell you that you have bad connections...
    i had one of those few days ago but unfortunately it seems i can't access the support as of now.
    the way he talked with me is absolutely below anything...
    and that such people exist on our server with the [ES] Tag behind their names...
    I'm not mad at them at all don't get me wrong it's that ones that are also rude
    and don't care about their network stability ...

    basically this

    people should receive punishments for going into the matching (if other people are in it) even if they know that they are laging/have network problems


  • Won't be implemented in any case since ES server had LA players even before the merge and they didn't do anything about it.

    Also splitting the server for not even half of the EU players is basically impossible otherwise what's the point of the merge?

    Basically :opposed: (Also for ppl saying that those LA players don't care about the problems they're causing is false, it just depends of the individual)


  • having a bad connection does not give you the right to exploit it

    And who says that everyone with a bad connection is exploiting it simply by virtue of playing the game? I can agree with you on the part regarding verbal abuse – that's not nice regardless of justification – but this right here is simply nonsensical.

    people should receive punishments for going into the matching

    Given the toxicity of this community, the matching system already produces said punishment.

  • having a bad connection does not give you the right to exploit it

    And who says that everyone with a bad connection is exploiting it simply by virtue of playing the game? I can agree with you on the part regarding verbal abuse – that's not nice regardless of justification – but this right here is simply nonsensical.

    as you can see i clearly never said every one would do it there is still a lot of people that are aware of their circumstances and exploit it anyway but there is also a way to exploit it backwards if you adapt to a lagging player. and change your playstyle on that.
    in that specific way i only meant it for that unfortunate person i met that absolutely exploited his lags and was even trash talking, if you want i can send you the screenshots in privat


  • Won't be implemented in any case since ES server had LA players even before the merge and they didn't do anything about it.

    "whoops sorry, you want to change YYY? too bad, it was always like that since XX.XX.XXXX"

    Given the toxicity of this community, the matching system already produces said punishment.

    not quite sure what exactly you mean - "omfg you lagtino go away!!!!!!!!!!!"?, anything like that?

    as you can see i clearly never said every one would do it there is still a lot of people that are aware of their circumstances and exploit it anyway but there is also a way to exploit it backwards if you adapt to a lagging player. and change your playstyle on that.
    in that specific way i only meant it for that unfortunate person i met that absolutely exploited his lags and was even trash talking, if you want i can send you the screenshots in privat

    how do you exploit lags? you simply cant

    yes, there is a difference between "lag-sensitive" and "non-lag-sensitive", but I doubt people actually "abuse"/create their characters espeically to abuse those lags

    yes, you can adapt to lag, but the outcome of a match between "adapted player vs laging player" and "not adapted player vs laging player" is non-existent - the outcome is the same <- you are frustrated after the match regardless you have adapted or not


  • Amellia Being aware of latency in a game that will always have it is not an exploit. That's like saying being aware of oil prices while driving by car is unfair towards other drivers, when in reality gas stations screw both of you.

    I'm not here to defend trash talk, and imo trash talk or harassment should on its own be enough to warrant some action, should you get the support to work (both the systems and the people behind it). If you want to, you can share those screenshots with me, but I doubt it will change my opinion on what we've so far discussed.

    not quite sure what exactly you mean - "omfg you lagtino go away!!!!!!!!!!!"?, anything like that?

    That would be an example, but my statement is more general than that and does not only take lag into account.

    the outcome is the same <- you are frustrated after the match regardless you have adapted or not

    Personally, lag does not frustrate me, since I know that the result of any match was much rather caused by other factors.

  • these days when you had to do pvp 1 time in Coexistence event, i came across a lagging Lu/Ciel and wonder whatnut? it came from [ES] and lagged a bit
    fortunately for me i was on my Metamorphy which excels at running away the less MP You have so i just ran and ran untill i had enough MP And time spend to use my hyper as i did, hit him 4 times in the face and used my Laz0r it didn't kill him but roughly 10-20 seconds later i won by default due to time out

    call me coward but that's one way to exploit a lagger


  • Won't be implemented in any case since ES server had LA players even before the merge and they didn't do anything about it.

    "whoops sorry, you want to change YYY? too bad, it was always like that since XX.XX.XXXX"

    Nice job ignoring my second sentence wich was the most important of my argument. (or at least it looks like you did, i don't wanna sound rude)
    Also, don't get me wrong, im not against the idea of "doing something to prevent the lag issue" but the idea of "Splitting servers" like suggested by the title of the thread


  • i normally don't use these cheap tactics, it's an exception for people i have to fear that they suddenly freeze and in the next frame stand behind me while i was still hitting them but that issue is one that persists through this game for a very long time ... i even made a Video about it few years ago how bad one can lagout in official pvp (Way before the merge)
