Seperate Latin American and European Players, give both a respective server.

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  • Tbh I have no problem with Latinos playing here as long as they don't bother others. If I where in that situation, I'd want to play as well. However, I'd be considerate enough to not play PvP wich a large amount of our distance-lagging "friends" aren't. So in order to make this more bearable for both sides, I'm proposing to give them a seperate server and to transfer their accounts to that one. That way, they'd be able to play this game in their desired language AND they wouldn't bother anyone and in turn, wouldn't be bothered as well. Win-Win for everyone involved except for those who need to abuse the lags to get high PvP-Ranks.

  • The only thing that would change is the amount of people and that wouldn't impact the game at all for most players due to timezones.

    Funny how these magical things called timezones only affect us negatively while only affecting them positively, it's almost like lag or any other thing brought up by you.

    Every single country in latin america has to learn portugese.

    Okay, so the country learns Portuguese, but what do the people living in said countries learn and how well? There are enough people on the European servers who would fail hard enough in English that they wouldn't be able to play the game if the client wasn't in their main language. Of course you would regard them as lesser humans because of that, but just because you do, you don't gain any right to judge them on those grounds.

    If you identify with a country through citizenship you can also identify with a server through an account.

  • Hello everyone,

    This suggestion has been forwarded and Gameforge is aware of the issues related to lag distance and they are trying to find information and a solution for this, however, I want to make it clear that spliting once again the servers now that we've had a merge doesn't make much sense and it will most likely not happen.

    This thread will remain closed and if any update about this suggestion is needed I (or anyone from the Team) will reply to the thread.

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions to fix this :)

