Linking Steam Account with existing Elsword Account

Attention! We are receiving reports about SCAM attempts, which promise you to get Elcoin for free after submitting your account data on some pages.
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
  • We did have this suggestion come up before multiple times when Elsword EU got introduced with Steam access, unfortunately, the ability to link an existing Elsword account to a Steam account is sadly not possible and might not be possible in the future.
    We are sorry for this inconvenience.

  • More like - Possible but we don't feel like bothering getting this implemented. Magic wardrobe was "not possible" originally but we eventually got it. And if I recall the server merge wasn't supported yet here we are...

    Edit - hardly a difficult task, Steam already provides the documentation on how to do it here - so I see no excuse, especially as Steam login is already enabled for support accounts. Really won't be much effort or particularly time-consuming to extend to game accounts.

    Edited once, last by Nishax ().

  • Maybe they just don't have anyone who could do it

    and don't pay someone else to do it.

    But I personally don't know another game which connects a Steam account with another.

    I only know games which have an option to login via Steam but not alternatively for another account.

    If there are any, TELL ME!

    Btw. Soulworker doesn't have that option either.

    suzakuwyjvx.jpg by @Shiby

  • The important thing here is the work is already 95%+ complete. The game is already looking up Steam IDs for the Steam accounts, support accounts already feature the linking ability, it is just a case of doing the same procedure for linking game accounts to Steam. Gameforge is not developing a completely unique linking method, the work already is done with Steam OpenID. It will require less than a day of work to finish off. There's no technical reason for it to not be done that's for sure.

  • We did have this suggestion come up before multiple times when Elsword EU got introduced with Steam access, unfortunately, the ability to link an existing Elsword account to a Steam account is sadly not possible and might not be possible in the future.
    We are sorry for this inconvenience.

    As mentioned by Memo, this isn't possible and is highly unlikely it will be possible in the future.

    Thread closed.