medium sized rant

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  • wowe here we are, back at it again........epic

    this rant is about GFs wrongdoings - if I say "GF" I mean the "higher ups", not the mods, not the GMs and not the admins (not in "2)"), the ones which decide everything which GF is able to decide

    1) sponsorship at pvp tournaments

    pvp is dead, no sugarcoating: it is dying just like NAs is. we lack players and the majority of people are playing pve - what could be the solution?

    pvp tournaments with prizes in form of ED/avatar/EC/GF cards

    THE PROBLEM IS, who is gonna sponsor that, the tournament host? sure, do that every week and you are gonna be poorer than me after a big addictive ice burning session

    we're talking about winnings in the size of 25€+, attemps have been made to reach out and GFs response was always a no and rarely GF game coupons for 10€ or less

    are you just greedy or what, are you paying your CoMas for doing nothing too much? what is the purpose of the CoMa if you dont care about the community or have even thought about a suggestion more than 10 minutes and DISCUSSED IT WITH THE COMMUNITY

    at least ONE has the decency to admit that the PvP Community of EU gets neglected, pve players get upgrade events, they have the dungeons to already make lots of ED (AND €€€ BECAUSE ED SELLERS ARE STILL A THING) - what do pvp players get? we have to play pve to play pvp properly, that doesnt make any sense at all

    can you at least not pander that hard to non-europeans, is it some kind of fetish to treat a sizeable amount of the community like dirt - if we cant play arena lag free at least sponsor tournaments in which we are able to play (or disqualify laggers)

    pvp tournaments without entry fees are not sustainable in small communities like this one in EU (in NA the same thing happened with similar pvp and total playerbase EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE MUCH FURTHER CONTENT WISE, RE:BOOT WONT SADLY FIX IT)

    even kurtzpel has weekly tournaments at ESL with 100!!!€ and more as the tournament win prize

    2) getting taken seriously as a community

    this is something which affects the community regardless of pve or pvp

    we dont get taken seriously, GMs/GF wont discuss any rule changes and use bad arguments to say "oh but we discussed with you so there is no further need to discuss it - CASE CLOSED" (see: Remove paragraph 5.2 first comma of Game Rules)

    "dont create another thread, if you have something to say then send me a DM" - Mod/GM

    but then the other players wont see what I wrote to you

    we need to discuss more, we need to talk more, we need to be more engaging

    you just dont care about us, you can lie to us and dont even have to show proof because what could we possibly do, in your eyes we are just fat cows waiting to get slaughtered after we have been milked for the past years, isnt that right? have the decency to admit or keep telling us we are your precious customers

    does the hotfix-patch tomorrow include the game-breaking drabaki raid bugfix? WE DONT KNOW, YOU DONT KNOW AS WELL BECAUSE IN KOGS EYES YOU ARE LIKE US JUST MONEYBAGS

    3) miscellaneous

    - please get a clean order on the updates, I dont want to get harmony festival 2018 364 days after NA got it, I dont want to get tons of bugs because the order of the updates is too mixed up

    - get the foreigner problem in control, give them a refund or offer them to talk with KoG and migrate them towards NA/INT, do SOMETHING and no "uh uh my boss said I just should say that we are still looking for a solution and uh uh uh uh uh i just dont know...................."

    - if you really are doing something then at least show progress, you have lied to us so many times, we are relying on NA patch notes, why should we believe you of all people - you are as trustworthy as the next guy who spreads rumors

    - can we have someone to talk to from GF who isnt just a mailman, you already have unpaid employee who do that for free

    i dont even want to write this post but WHO CARES, GF obviously doesnt



  • As far as I'm aware of, the problem is just that GameForge doesn't want to have any kind of relationship with their consumers in most of their games.

    I got contacted by GMs of other GameForge games(even dead ones) and pretty much they don't listen to any community they have.

    I mean, here we are not talking about something that's KoG's fault, since I'm pretty sure they can plan whatever kind of event/tournament without asking anything to them; simply they don't care.

    We saw the first ESL Tournament and everyone was happy for that, even pretty much no one of the PvP community joined since there was that stupid 18 year old restriction, when you should've just asked a guardian to represent them legally instead(i.e. parents or people like that, like they're doing right now in the Elsword Global which EU is excluded).

    We even lost most staff events (on IT server we had a weekly wednesday event made by GMs that just shut down after the merge, plus staff told me that GameForge want each country staff working separately. I think I don't have to explain why that is a stupid idea.)

    They just wanna milk off their games, and they aren't really good at that. I spoke to an actual "high level" GameForge years ago and they pretty much failed a lot of their new IPs and stuff like that in the past years.

    That's all because their modus operandi is stuck in 2011.

    For example, KoG' NA is able to sponsor Elsword streamers and give them EC for their giveaways, sponsor Discorsds, sponsor whatever they want to do.

    GameForge simply does no publishing of their games by the new platforms that are specifically designed to do so.

    They took like 6 years to make actually YouTubers sponsor Elsword IT(before merge) and stuff like that.

    Also they opened the ForgeMaster program...months and months ago? And it never took off. No one was ever called.

    Of course they still have their fault(they do have a trash customer service but GameForge is worse)

    I mean, KurtzPel has not even 80 viewers on their twich and does a weekly tournament on Saturday/Sunday giving €100 to 1s placed team.(Not coupons,ca$h).

    Some days ago the last National Tournament of NA Server got hosted by Elsword NA Twitch channel and had around 300 viewers for all the duration of it(3 hours).

    Not counting all weekly GM events on twitch that NA has that reward you for staying tuned and playing, like Rush'Ain etc etc etc.

  • As a pvp and pve main i can say that 90% of the pve only players can relate to the 3rd point too. I have farmed Raids a ton , sometimes the whole day because i found it fun. But the amounts disconnects you get ESPECIALLY during a raid are just getting out of hand, which is why i stopped spamming raid... its simply not fun doing every run multiple times to get the ppl who dced through as well. I think i cant even remember doing a full raid run (meaning 12-5 to 12-7) without one person disconnecting in one of the 3, often even multiple times per dungeon.

    But I also know its not the servers fault its mainly the fault of the game being a mix of balancing, gameplay updates, cash shop updates and so on, which is unique for Europe only. (in NA or KR they dont have these insane amounts of disconnects). But who bears guilt for that?

    I have talked about this to verious people, also Moderators etc. and many dont know either if its GFs higher ups fault. One told me he asked gf about it as well and he told me that they only work as a distributor, providing us with the updates they get from Kog and that they can not control when they get them. But my question is:

    why does it take so long? Why does it need to be such a mix of updates? Why cant GF get the updates with the same Delay as NA (2 Weeks)? Yes u can take the translation as a reason but there is no way u need half a year for that. I wish someone could really give us a REAL reason why we have such a clusterfuck of patches with 6 months of delay..

    As a player who really loves this game its sad seeing this server slowly but surely going down.. i am whitnessing many die hard players who just quit because its unbearable for them to play here( which is understandably). If GF really doesnt give a shit about and just care for the money, then WHY NOT PROVIDE BETTER SERVICES? How can it be so hard to give us sponsorhip for tournaments or EVEN HOST THEM URSELF??You can just give Elcoins as prize money , like... you would not even lose real money since its just fucking pixels. If YOU would take care about the community then you would get more money off of us as well isnt that obvious? And ppl hosting tournaments would do it as a volunteer job as well (i mean we already did tournaments ourselves cuz we appearently care more about the game than GF).

    How can it be so hard to release good patch notes with every informatin of what we are actually getting? How can it be so hard to tlak to the Koreans or NA people so we dont get our content 6-8 months later? If you dont change anything then more and more players will quit and you wont make less and less revenue. I might not be an expert but i dont think that is a good concept to run a business isnt it?

    I wish it would just be possible to get replies from not the GMs here (who dont know more than I do anyways) but maybe get some real insight to what is happening and what is going wrong, but i guess that just leads back to the topic of this thread an what Creska said, that they simply. dont. care.

  • Some Lag-free Arena would be nice since a lot people just quit PvP for exactly that reason. When I play Elsword EU, I want to get matched against people from EU and not Mexico,Chile,latin America or Argentina (for PvP, PvE doesn't matter that much cuz the lag only affects the mobs spawning later or they take no dmg) However it's so frustrating when you lose in Arena VS. non-EU people because of that huge lag. I really want to see some GM's fighting in Freechannel against this... OOOH right they just kick them lmao

  • Well guys this has been taken out of control. While you are able to post and tell your opinions to others, the rules must be respected. This went to a flaming thread which is gonna lead to a misunderstanding atmosphere and I'm not actually gonna let it happen.

    Coupons codes are provided to you as reward for many activities (mainly on forum events, as I am concerned to :)). However, they can be used at any game of the company. Probably the amount of coupons doesn't make you happy but that's the amount we are allowed to provide (better having those than nothing honestly).

    Despite this, I will forward your thoughts about this to "higher positions" on our team members hierarchy.

    Should you think this thread was closed unfairly please contact me to discuss about it :)

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Kind Regards.


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • After talking with the author of this thread I've decided to re open the thread.

    As I've said, any kind of breach of the forum rules will lead to get this topic closed indefinitely without any discussion.

    Kind regards,



    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • I literally want to know if for GameForge would be too much to host monthly tournaments with €25/€13/€10

    coupon as a prize, for top three.

    (If any of the teamlers could ping the CoMas for this, thank you)

    At least the coupons, the PvP community will be totally fine with streaming the tournament and making the rules if GameForge is bothered by that.

    We can't live off tournaments each 2/3 years with just €10/€6/€3

    Since I don't see gameforge giving cash money anytime soon, let's try to get here step by step

  • its not like we tried that already (as seen in the spoilers the so called CoMas did not have any interest in this)

  • Some Lag-free Arena would be nice since a lot people just quit PvP for exactly that reason. When I play Elsword EU, I want to get matched against people from EU and not Mexico,Chile,latin America or Argentina (for PvP, PvE doesn't matter that much cuz the lag only affects the mobs spawning later or they take no dmg) However it's so frustrating when you lose in Arena VS. non-EU people because of that huge lag. I really want to see some GM's fighting in Freechannel against this... OOOH right they just kick them lmao

    The problem aren't really the South Americans/Asians/Africans in arena. They usually aren't too skilled to beat, mostly they lack gear as well (but makes it even more frustrating to lose against that kind of people).

    The problem is, that GF doesn't really understand, that playing against those people is unbearable. It's doable if there is a skill/equipment gap in arena (since the game is balanced around arena 1s??/2s). It isn't possible to make a tournament in the free channel interesting if there is delay AND lag from the side of the non-europeans. Nonetheless if they play a class which is boring to watch to begin with.

    Maybe the GF higher-ups just think, that we're some kind of xenophobics and don't want to allow them purely because they are non-europeans or something. No! The problem is, that most of those people:

    I really hope, that the higher-ups of GF answer my comment, because I want to know their reasoning.


  • I really hope, that the higher-ups of GF answer my comment, because I want to know their reasoning.

    I literally want to know if for GameForge would be too much to host monthly tournaments with €25/€13/€10

    coupon as a prize, for top three.

    (If any of the teamlers could ping the CoMas for this, thank you)

    Is it possible to get a statement from either CoMa or Mod that it got directed to the, that we want a detailed answer?

    It has been a week and there hasn't been any statements whatsoever.


  • At this point this server is a cadaver on life support. There's no better way to put it.

    I can understand the whole update thing (Altho it's still a joke the fact that we are the only server with a update delay of 6 months), but what's the point of not doing community events for this game? Heck even a monthly thingy related to the game (Either PvE or PvP) would be grealtly beneficial for the community, considering everything.

    But no, silence it is i guess?


    N I :rankb: :rankb: A

    Signature by Fosco

  • Hello!

    I will forward the issues you described here again. Please don’t take it as „we will definetly change something now!“, because I can’t give any guarantees. I will let you continue to discuss here to your hearts content.

    (I wanted to give a longer and more detailed response but I sadly didn’t had the time this week, because I was busy....)

    Have a nice evening!

    ~ Darkrai

  • I'll reply to one of those points since it is directly related to something I did:

    we dont get taken seriously, GMs/GF wont discuss any rule changes and use bad arguments to say "oh but we discussed with you so there is no further need to discuss it - CASE CLOSED" (see: Remove paragraph 5.2 first comma of Game Rules)

    "dont create another thread, if you have something to say then send me a DM" - Mod/GM

    but then the other players wont see what I wrote to you

    we need to discuss more, we need to talk more, we need to be more engaging

    You have to understand something, whether you believe it or not (why would I lie having in mind it could take literally any CM one minute to check the thread, see my reply and if I lied, get yelled at/kick me from the team?) I asked about that thread, the person asked his boss, the answer was a no, no explanation, no nothing. There are plenty of things that are not open for discussion, just like asking for gay marriage on Elsword being a thing every month for the past few years hasn't changed the opinion of KOG on that subject, there are things that won't happen, I wouldn't say "never" but not now.

    This is everything I have to say about that matter, my reply on that thread stands still and I won't go on and on on this subject again because the whole reason for closing the thread is because it got rejected and there was no chance of discussion, the situation is the same :)

    As for the rest of the things, I have forwarded the thread again, hopefully you'll get the answers you're looking for. :)



  • but that doesn't adress the problem at all, I know of all that dilemma of what you wrote

    we dont even get the chance to CONVINCE you otherwise: thats the point of that section, we dont want step on your feet

    we are trying to negotiate:"okay, this doesnt work but what if we.."

    because at the end, you are asking a person who is in return asking another person, who DOES NOT play the game at all, about a rule change, of course the latter would say no

    that person is deciding the ToS/policies, why would he need to change them if he simply just says "okay but that doesnt magically make me any richer"
