delete ain
Delete ain
- Lapis
- Closed
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We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
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as expected, you do it everywhere
such dedication -
No why they should.?
Ain is a bug, bugs shouldn't exist.
I came here just to shame a edited above me
Edited by Coco - Offensive language
Ain is a hot femboy
delete him
If the character deletion isn't working for you ingame, you might want to contact the support.
It luckily works for me, sadly not for everyone
Well bugs are inevitable. Nothing you can do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rose should be deleted, not Ain
Ain isn't a bug, he's a feature
Delete ain
Rose should be deleted, not Ain
yes please then continue with every other character except glave and we're gucci
Just Ain.
Kinda not losing hope this guy lol (-o⌒)
Castrate Ain
Delete Aisha