Advent Calendar pet "Hasn´t beeen created correctly"

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  • I have recived the pet it self and i can use it but when i give it a name regardless the name the pet shows me this:

    Is there any way I can fix this or????? anithig, am I the only one with this problem ????

    I am from the es server so the code I used in the calendar was:

    Also I really dont know the forums well so maybe I should have posted this anywhere else so if that sorry x.x

  • Quote

    am I the only one with this problem ????

    1. You're not the only one, don't worry.


    Is there any way I can fix this or????? anithig

    2. We don't know anything yet but in the IT forum, this bug is already reported to the staff.


    E ricordate che la forza dell' :xbutton:spam sia con voi! :swag:

  • This is a known issue that was reported this past night but sadly it won't be fixed before January.

    I'll close this thread now, if I get any information about it I will let everyone know.

    Sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused to any of you.

