(non-)european players and their ping

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  • Well it is a fact that generally Non-EU players pose quite some disturbance. Not on a personal level, but mainly through their distance latency.

    PvP is close to being unplayable against players with incredibly high ping (and the kicking function on the server side due to lag does not really work either), and PvE those lags tend to cause bugs and issues to everyone who is along for the ride.

    Since it'd be highly unfair to just exclude everyone from the game entirely - considering some spent time and money, made friends & more - it'd likely be best to nudge up KoG to introduce something like a ping check, disallowing people above a certain ping to the server & high enough package loss to queue for dungeons and PvP.

    That'd force people to make up groups to do their stuff, however people making these groups and joining in on them would know what they are in for.

    As long as nothing happens however, Elsword EU is nothing but a worse version of Elsword INT, which is clearly made for international purposes (especially having old SEA merged into it), while the servers DE, FR, EN, IT, PL and ES were made especially for local players in Europe.


    Signature by Flaith

    Sora, Darkaigirl, Greader and one other like this.
  • IP block? Auto kick from F8 groups?

    DE CoMa (badidol) said something like "potential customers give money" so I really doubt that Gameforge will support the idea of banning non-european people

    I think they should be able to do F8 groups because else they are missing the matching buff which puts non-endgame player (and even endgame-player without proper equipment) massively behind regular players -> probably results into quitting --> GF losing players


  • Anyway, not all latinos have lag, just a lot of them, so isn't a problem caused by the distance to the server, but it is a result of choosing a bad internet company to save money (or maybe it is intentional). I has played on KR, INT and other servers and I didn't have this problem (except on a server that can't be named here). Server distance isn't so rilevant.

  • Anyway, not all latinos have lag, just a lot of them, so isn't a problem caused by the distance to the server, but it is a result of choosing a bad internet company to save money (or maybe it is intentional).

    Are you talking about PvE or PvP? In PvE, the effects are reduced and if you're lucky, there won't be anything weird happening. However, in PvP the Story is different. I have yet to meet a single LatAm-Player without Delay in PvP and I play it a lot.

    Faflon likes this.
  • What about making another queue which starts at a certain Ping number?

    LA players with good connection wouldnt be excluded, on the other hand EU players with a bad connection would drop into The second queue too.

    That seems to be fair, doesnt it?

    Kauket, Sera, Greader and one other like this.
  • What about making another queue which starts at a certain Ping number?

    LA players with good connection wouldnt be excluded, on the other hand EU players with a bad connection would drop into The second queue too.

    That seems to be fair, doesnt it?

    Could be abused to farm rank in PvP. It also means KOG has to specifically change their code for EU. If that is going to happen is at least questionable. Well questionable in terms of "Who pays for it?".

    Quote of the Year 2017

    "Roses are red, yellow are ducks. It's 2017 and JS still sucks."

  • I dont mind people lagging in PvE. I dont even care wether it takes 3 minutes or 5-6 minutes to carry someone through a run. Back in the days 16 years ago i was playing MMORPGs on different servers as well. Most of them where located in NA or KR and they didnt mind me lagging. It was the opposite, they were still welcoming me even when i died most of the times in a group.
    The issue for me is PvP though. It is more or less a competetive feature i cant take part of anymore since of lagging players running out of my combos like Goku on ultra instinct.
    I am talking about people lagging on PvP in generell. I Would prefer to exclude anybody,not just LAm, with unplayable ping from PvP queue until they fix their connection. I wouldnt even mind getting excluded myself if my conncetion happens to be bad at times. They could send out a message like " Sorry , but your ping seems not to be suited for PvP at the Moment. Please try again later"

    Given that we're in the process of building a firewall around Mexico, I assume they want the Mexicans to pay for it.

    Stop your racist trump references and stick on topic. They are not even funny and you already got a warning from badidol for that last time.

    Odasaky and Ghibli like this.
  • Of course they're not funny. Nothing around this thread and the racist policies it seeks is. Whether or not that racism is your intention, it is what you would get through its implementation, not through me notifying you about it.

  • Hi there,

    I know that it can be frustrating to play with such players, but you're drifting away from the topic itself now.

    Feel free to discuss the topic but do so in an appropriate manner please.


    Coco likes this.
  • We are not disscussing those lagg issues on anthropogenic value judgments. And we never did that except for you, like you always do.
    We are solely trying to find a solution for players who wants to play this game with unplayable ping problems. For most of the EU Players it semms to hugley affect their gaming experience.
    I for myself can handle PvE with people on bad connection, but having an issues with people abusing their lags on a competetives based PvP features, wich is considered as grief play.

    Sora and Darkaigirl like this.
  • Of course they're not funny. Nothing around this thread and the racist policies it seeks is. Whether or not that racism is your intention, it is what you would get through its implementation, not through me notifying you about it.

    This is actually a mature statement. It is true, that expelling a certain group comes very close to racism. Yet, it is also true, that people from another continent shouldn't be allowed to play on a Server that is located in EU, simply because the Game is just not coded for it. This is not their fault of course, but considering that some of them actually abuse this to their advantage, put's them at a certain fault.

    As per statement, expelling LatAm located player's with no mercy is not what GF intends, but instead they're searching for a mild solution. As annoying as it is, we should have patience with that. PvP Ranks are not a thing of life and death, not in my eye's at least.

    It can become somewhat annoying in PvE as well. I mean, i had the situation in which the lags and the following dc of one such Player duplicated all present Mobs on my Screen, and made them immobile and invincible, yet kept them as valid targets for hitconfirms as well as collision, which crashed my game after defeating the Boss with these conditions.

    Needless to say, that the only way to avoid that is to form a Group of Player's that you know for certain, aren't from NA or connecting from those Locations obviously.

    As for me, i shall wait on GF's decision about that, and keep using way's to avoid such situations. As for PvP, well this is a matter which does not concern me too much. I'll do quests there at most, and if i get a laggy opponent, let's just say, that my Class actually counters lagger quite well due to fast multiple hits.

  • Even with the accusation of abuse, we would have to provide evidence for the intent, whereas this suggestion stems from a lack of said evidence. If those accused of griefplay and reported (as stated by some of the suggestion's supporters) could be proven guilty in front of the team, no such suggestion would be made, or it would at least have weaker support. Some of that blame could be put onto the team for not accepting evidence laid forth in a specific case, but I personally don't think doubting supposed evidence is in all cases wrong. Even if a player does both lag and play a lag-friendly character or use a lag-friendly play style, we can not even claim, that it is a conscious decision rather than their laggy game experience subconsciously influencing their decision-making.

  • In the context of this discussion it doesn't matter were you come form, if you are male, female, gay, lesbian, black, white, muslim and so on. What matters is that distance lag causes problems and that there needs to be a solution for that. Of course the simplest solution is to simply divide the playerbase by region. The server is stationed in Europe, the so naturally the biggest "troublemakers" are those furthest away. We also don't need to complete solve this problem, just reduce it to be bearable and as said, the simplest solution is to divide the playerbase by region.

    Of course they're not funny. Nothing around this thread and the racist policies it seeks is. Whether or not that racism is your intention, it is what you would get through its implementation, not through me notifying you about it.

    This is actually a mature statement.

    No it's not. It's trying to sound mature while actually providing no solution or contribute to the discussion. The statement simply hopes nobody contradicts it, because it's "morally wrong". However, is that really the case? Such things are also know as thought-terminating cliché.

    Quote of the Year 2017

    "Roses are red, yellow are ducks. It's 2017 and JS still sucks."

    NandaKore, Sora, Darkaigirl and one other like this.
  • It is wrong, if you have the thought-way of a machine, which only uses icecold logic. But we are no machines. If that would be the case, then expelling said User's would be a no-brainer.

    GF is already working on a solution which does not expell them right away. Certain suggestion have been made already, but it's up to KoG to develop the technical side of that, as GF is not allowed to do so.

    Contributing to this discussion with an achieveable way becomes difficult, as we as User's have very little influence if any at all on that. The most i can see so far is the discomfort many have about the topic. Be it as a bad playing experience or having second thoughts about being on the "right" side.

    You can't satisify everyone, without stepping on someone's toe along the way.

    Providing decisive evidence for obvious Griefplay might be the only thing we can do at the moment, while GF works on a solution. I made 2 Screenshots of my descripted situation, but this certainly doesn't count as evidence at all, since it only showed the result of the lag and dc of said Player. Not like he said anything before he dc'd.

    So the best you can do for now is attempting to get evidence for griefplay, or avoid certain situations as much as possible, by not playing PvP and playing PvE with a premade Group or alone. You may take Screenshots and/or recordings of PvP matches and send them over to the Team, so they can examine it and make their judgement. But unless one of said Player's actually admit to do this in purpose, very little can be done i'm afraid.

  • Sharoona, that's just another thought-terminating cliché. The sentence "It is wrong, if you have the thought-way of a machine, which only uses icecold logic." is literally a thought-terminating cliché. What does this matter? How does it solve the problem? What does this contribute? Nothing. You are just saying " icecold logic" is bad. Is it really? Does it make any statement wrong? Ist it really useless? Why can't we use " icecold logic"?

    What we need are facts and solutions. Personal feelings are not important unless they provide anything for the community as a whole. This is not about just excluding people. It about finding a solution most people are conformable with. There are plenty of suggestions as of now.

    What needs to be done is to evaluate those suggest and give a response in a timely manner. What we can do is demand form GF to give us an idea about when we are allowed to ask "Okay, any news on that?". Basically making sure that it gets proper attention and doesn't end up being low priority. "You get an answer when there is one" might as well mean never. At least to me GF isn't trustworthy in that regard anymore (or at least way to slow for modern feedback loops).

    Another thing that can be done is spam the support with reports of "lag abuse". If it get's out of hand, something will be done. You might as well organize yourself here. Of course, this should be the last thing to take into consideration.

    If you have any other ideas how to solve that problem, you might as well drop it here. You may also write down your toughs on the ideas of others. But you should not yell "You are all racist, because you say something negativ about None-European players!". That statement itself assumes saying something bad about a None-European person automatically makes someone racist. Complete nonsense. People are not racist, just because it so happend the person ruining their fun is not from Europe .

    Quote of the Year 2017

    "Roses are red, yellow are ducks. It's 2017 and JS still sucks."

    Sora and Kauket like this.