I mean yeah, nothing really new about this, even though it's nice to talk about it from time to time.
Though this bugged me
8. Many players still catch with awakening, or certain skills that give a short delay or they wait until someone runs into a combo that has super armor. Not to mention that there are still force skills, in my opinion KoG should change that. Since this has nothing to do with "Skill" and if you look at PvP Season 1 or 2, it was completely different from now and you still had to think about how to catch the opponent.
You know what else was considered "unskilled" in PvP season 1 or 2 ? Spamming WWW loop like you do in the video you added in your message
Not saying it's not fine to play like that, but it's just like catching with awakening and skills ... it's just a way to play, if you don't like it, well, ok, but I don't think KoG would do anything on a subjective flaw when people were already doing it at the very beginning of this game . It was unpopular to brag about it, yeah, but everyone seriously trying to win was doing it except some people in custom pvp rooms.
It isn't annoying to catch with awakening/skills imo, it gets problematic when some characters are so unbalanced that they can do that again & again & again (BULLETBLITZAAAAAAAAAAAAH) with very few counters, but then, it's not the same issue is it ?
Tbh I so rarely play PvP anymore, even though I used to, so my opinion may be outdated, but I think most of it still applies