Posts by Nitros

    There is a modern concept called Progressive Web Apps that allow users to "install Websites" as Apps on their phone. It was proposed by Google, you can read it here:

    However, this forum isn't made by GF and they have made it pretty clear that they do not intent to change it. Installing Plug-ins is already a no go. This isn't even the actual finished style theme. The real one is still "in development". Overall, there is a very low chance anything is done unless WortLab itself provides said feature per default.

    Of course I would like at least better layout for mobile devices as well.

    This Threads name is (NON-)European and their ping. Suggesting that its focusing on any player that has high ping together with non-Europeans and Europeans.

    This thread's name is a dog whistle, whose purpose is to suggest that non-Europeans lag harder than Europeans, which therefore makes them inferior players.

    No it's not. No matter how much try to force this, that statement is wrong and the argument invalid. People have given reasons why they act like they do. Stop your thought-terminating cliché and start understanding the other side or keep quite. If you don't be prepared to be ignored.

    I do not say that other region players cannot play in Elsword EU, I'm saying that they have no actual rights to say "this is our server" provided they are nowhere near Europe nor do they own GameForge.

    Are Europeans allowed to claim rights to "their server" in your opinion?

    Yes they do. Want to change that? Give a reason why they should, and yes not all people are "do-gooder". Egoism exits and it's not automatically a bad thing because somebody says so.

    By that I mean, stop with the points that everyone lags. Yes, they do, but their scope of lag is a huge difference if you compare the two.

    Thanks, oh wise super game master, but here's the thing: People don't care. Whenever there is lag, be it a spike or constant latency, people will cry foul and try to ban players on shaky ground. That has been true pretty much since the conception of competitive online gaming.

    And you won't make them care like this. Proof that they are wrong first before start throwing around insults. An individual want's something gone because it causes a bad gaming experience. Should you listen to them? if they can give a explanation why, yes. That has been done here and you are ignoring it purposely to play "do-gooder".

    In all honest, why should you be friendly? You could just say kick them out and be over with it. Yet people try to find a compromise, so both sides can be happy. However, every suggest and opinion gets rejected by you. That's not helpful. You are a nuisance. Stop that.


    There is a simple reason for this. It's annoying for both sides. Even if I try to imagine myself as those players from a far away region, I would hate to possible cause issues for them. I rather have the peace of mind that I am not doing anything wrong. There is also less of chance to get connected to a player I have a bad connection with. If I had a friend, they could just join that server with me.

    KOG Games attempted a similar thing and so far there are only a few issues with it, which mostly stem from the fact that there was no transfer when Gaia was created.

    There is very little cons to this and quite a few pros. Both side benefit form it. I can't thing of a reason to be against it other then being a "do-gooder" and that really just makes things worse in this situation.

    Ja, z.B. an einen bundeseinheitlichen Feiertag und nicht nur Bayern und Saarland. Wenn nicht möglich dann am Wochenende Mr. "Ich muss versuchen jeden Kommentar ins lächerliche zu ziehen, bin aber total planlos".

    Ok dann verpasse ich ja morgen nichts besonderes.

    Vielleicht als Gedächtnisstützen. Kein Dungeon im Special Tab ist von Droprate beeinflusst. Wenn da mehr droppt sind es speziell Events, die extra erwähnt werden und auch ein extra Ingame Icon haben. Lässt sich so ganz gut merken. ^^

    Und ja, das heiß auch der hier noch fehlende Drabaki wird davon nicht beeinflusst.

    Oh und nein, mehr Runs heißt nicht höhere Chance. Das heißt nur das du die Runs in weniger Tagen abhandelst. Sprich wer eh nicht die Zeit hat, dem bringt das nix.

    Ich muss ehrlich sagen, der Tag ist komisch gewählt.

    What I want the poll for? To see what the current opinion on that matter is. How people feel about it. It doesn't matter how that came to be. It would help to know if we could make the game better by separating players.

    And yes all that is subjectiv. How a game is experienced is subjectiv after all.

    Edit: Yes I know, using your brain can hurt.

    If you want me to be aggressive, fine. I am just allergic to your bullshit. All you try to do is making some else look bad for your own amusement.

    Yes we should add a poll. That means you could also suggest the content. However, you probably just want to complain afterwards.

    I guess there is no reason to work with people who have no interest in finding a solution. People are like you should stay quiet.

    Nitros bro, u tried to compare providing the game for windows only and banning people from queues.

    One of them is decided by looking at money and effort in constrast to the + you get for having ports for othere OSs. The other one is extra effort for....what exactly?

    You do realize the point of that statement was that you can do it, not if it's beneficial. That's a completely different topic. That's why your money argument doesn't matter and makes no sense to me.

    If you want to know what the extra effort would get you, that is a better gaming experience for the European players.

    I am pretty sure Renn would make a video showing the problem, if asked for it. Also scientific work isn't about proving something. This isn't math. It about confronting a problem and explaining how you come up with it. A paper can be nothing more then an idea. The whole point of scientific work is for others to understand and learn form it. In most jobs it's enough to "look beyond the box" and maybe not doing something like we always did.

    I suggest we just add a poll. Then we have said data.


    How are A and B even connected? The game runs on windows because the developers decided to do so. If the developer decide to block something form queue, they can do it. Full stop. If there is a technical requirement, then there is a technical requirement. Latency being no difference in this regard.

    Also there is no need to prove anything. There is this thread, so there is a problem. Can prove that this problem is insignificant? No? Well, then it should be dealt with!

    Which problem? The problem of information taking time to travel or the problem of you being annoyed by something?

    The problem of some players experience of the game being ruined by other, who are aware of this. Because they play on a server so far away, they are, by definition, aware of possible latency issues they can cause. Same goes for every European player who is aware of this. Could you remove all of them from the queue? Yes you could , similar to how this game only runs on windows.

    Eh... I am arguing again...


    Akichan And you're ignoring the fact that GF decided to implement a IP ban during the launch of their newest mmorpg, [...]

    They were forced to do so by the developers. Smilegate holds the licence for SW in other regions for example.

    The main problem stems from GF not implementing IP bans during Elswords publication in europe, which lead to the problems people face now.

    I mean you could see this as a "problem", but GF will probably just say: we get more money from it, deal with it. Oh wait, they already did that.

    They also said this is not a democracy, so all kind of discussions are pointless.


    There have been no sign from GF even working on this topic. You literally just got "I add it to my report" or "You have to wait". And it's been month since the topic was started back in the old German forum. There is absolut no reason making the same arguments over and over again, if the people responsible show so little interest in the topic. If you want something happening, you first need them to actually communicate with you.

    Die Aussage war das Optimum wird bewerte. Dazu gehören auch alle besagten Items. Ich würde das alles sonst auch anders bewerten.

    Ich habe auch nicht gelesen, dass es auf EU bezogen sein soll und was ändern die letzen Patches wirtlich?

    Wenn sich die Liste auf Zeit und auf Grundlage eines bestimmten Dungeons mit Optimum bezieht, dann ist das so. Das muss einem nicht gefallen, aber man kann nicht sagen sie sei "falsch" ohne Gegenbeweis. Sie mag unrealistisch sein, keine Frage, aber seit wann interessiert das die Leute, lol. Schon allein in der nächsten Region sieht das alles wieder ganz anders aus und selbst da ist es ein Unterschied ob man von Raid, 12-4 oder dem Rest spricht. Man kann halt nicht einfach "PvE" sagen. Man könnte das Ergebnis als eine Art Durchschnitt ermitteln, dann reden wir hier aber vom ca. +8/+9 Waffe und mittelmäßigem Endgame EQ.

    Ich hab keine Ahnung was da schief gelaufen ist bei dem Satz. Keine Ahnung wie viele es versuchen. Sind zu 99% Premade Partys. Das Feld ist mittlerweile leer. Man siehst aber noch Leute mit 11% in den Top 100, d.h. sie haben nur einen der neun Bosse erledigt.

    Ein Großteil kommt natürlich gar nicht rein.

    Der Raids in NA scheinen schon die generfte Version aus KR (kam da einen Tag später) zu sein.

    • Bist jetzt hat keiner 12-6 Stage 3 geschaft.
    • 23 Leute sind bis dahin gekommen.
    • 33 Leute haben es bis 12-6 Stage 2 gescahftt, konnte diese aber nicht schaffen.
    • Insgesamt 89 Leute haben haben 85 Leute haben 12-5 geschafft.

    NA ist grundsätzlich extrem unzufrieden mit dem Raid und CP im Allgemeinen. Queue dafür ist tot, selbst am ersten Tag war ne Gruppe für >3 fast unmöglich.

    Mal sehen wie es Mittwoch vor dem Reset aussieht.

    Niemand hat davon gesprochen, dass du das Video selber machen musst. Irgendjemand reicht. Es muss schicht vergleichbar mit den anderen Pots sein. Du behauptest etwas sei gut, zeigst aber keinen Vergleich. Die 4 min wären irgendwo Mittelfeld vielleicht, da anderes es in unter 3 min schaffen. Das Bewertungskriterium ist hier nunmal de Zeit, darauf basiert die Liste.

    Nicht rum quatschen, zeigen. Ein Video mit 11-4 clear in unter 3 min und gut ist. Zu PO gibst aktuell schlicht zu wenig Daten.

    Zu dem Gear Argument weiter oben, HF mit 12-4. ;)