Posts by Dw | Aerii

    ich mein wenn Bugs in einem verständlichen Zeitraum gefixt werden würden, bräuchte man natürlich nicht jeden Tag ein Update dass daran gearbeitet wird

    was viele aber stört sind Bugs die seit mehreren Jahren existieren und nie gefixt werden

    was soll man da tun?

    kann mir niemand erzählen dass die da drüben seit 5 Jahren daran arbeiten, die ganzen Gruppenbugs etc zu fixen

    das interessiert die doch überhaupt nicht und da wird nie was passieren bis das Game down geht


    Naja das Problem ist, dass du für ein Spiel wie Elsword keinen offenen Testserver machen kannst, wie z.B bei League of Legends.

    Bei MMO's ist das einfach gegen das Marktmodell und viele würden dann nur noch dort spielen, weil sie alles bekommen würden ohne etwas zu tun.

    Wäre ziemlich kontraproduktiv für Gameforge.

    Das würde zwar die Kundenzufriedenheit um einiges steigern, da man mehr Einblick hätte, aber helfen würde es nicht wirklich.

    Die Kommunikation von der Gameforge zur Community finde ich auch grauenhaft.

    Das ist eher das Problem, als die ganzen Bugs.

    Wenns es richtig kommuniziert werden würde, wäre der Frust auch nicht so groß.


    alter stuff wird billig vkt, da es nun keine Siegel mehr benötigt nach dem Update


    wenn die Resoseite nicht verschenkbar wär, würde ich es ja verstehen, aber da es für jeden zugänglich ist, ist es sowas von egal

    es gibt fast nichts mehr dass Cash-Shop exklusiv ist, wenn ich es mit früher vergleiche, wo man für eine Skilleiste B aufladen musste und daher ist es weniger p2w, da kannst solang von IB's reden wie du willst

    90% der Leute die IB's haben, haben keinen Cent dafür


    +8 Hero ist nicht so schlecht wie du denkst, damit kannst auch viel Kampfkraft erreichen

    Alle meine Chars mit +8/+9 Hero Waffe haben 250k Kampfkraft
    Das Spiel ist heute soviel weniger p2w als am Anfang, aber ihr seid wohl alle schon zu verwöhnt von dem ganzen free Stuff

    it is easier if you focus on the important things

    before you just needed +8 armor and weapon +9 for 180 i believe

    even if you had 0 crit and 0 maximize you could enter every dungeon

    and if you had +8 with 100% crit and 100% maximize you couldnt enter, even when you did 10x the dmg the other player did

    that was just dumb

    of course if you had 180 before and now you have 70 , you probably dont have any good effects , sockets or erp with offensive stats

    you were completely useless in the dungeon und nobody liked playing with you

    i dont know whats missing for you , i can just imagine how it looks like

    just because you have to buy stuff from other players that invested money, IT IS NOT PAY2WIN

    its just pay2win if you have to invest the money YOURSELF

    sinister accs cant even be bought

    elyanod accs arent that expensive

    5/5 ib set is cheap af nowadays

    sage stones are for free everywhere

    its so easy to gear up if you invest some time in it

    you have to spent time for every mmos thats out there to get good gear

    you cant just make SD gear and then skip to vanymir

    its not meant to be that way

    there are supposed to be gear walls in mmos

    you farm one set, so you can farm the next better one with it

    before, you could just skip some stuff, but thats just not like it is supposed to be

    this way you will arrive at harder content when you are ready for it and thats the right thing to do

    Ah so we should NOT use all the cool stuff KOG released for us to make our lifes easier?

    I guess you walk to work every day too, because you refuse to use all the awesome transportation possibilities that were invented throughout the years.

    Why dont you try to make a hot chocolate for me?

    But dont use milk, any kind of chocolate, water or sugar.

    i think the system is the best what could ever happen to this game

    it has nothing to do with pay2win at all

    it is now EASIER to get the requirements for every dungeon

    it just changed from

    being pay2win aka 'you need high upgrades on weapon and armor for high item level and everything else that gives a ton of damage is irrelevant'

    to free2play aka 'you take what gives you dmg and not care about armor upgrade levels that give you no dmg at all'

    people just have to adapt to the system and finally realize that they have to use good effects on their armor and accessoires to deal damage in dungeons

    its not like in 2013 anymore that you upgraded your weapon and you were fine

    if someone is good geared, nowadays there is so much more, than just the weapon, that defines that

    there are countless videos with +0 weapons that proof that

    i think its very good that finally everthing counts towards the combat level

    people have to start to care about their pet, their title ,their accessoires, their armor, their avatars, their sockets

    EVERYTHING that gives stats, gives you combat level now, like it should have been from the start

    everyone who thinks about his gear and uses a smart set of good armor effects and good accessoire effect can enter EVERY dungeon regardless of his upgrade level

    without having to spend an absurd amount of money for +9/+10 qscrolls for their armors

    i think its so much better that people with lower upgrade level on their weapon can achieve the gear score through being smart and using good effects on their armor and accessoires.