Hi Elsword,
I have a current problem I have 0 idea how it can be fixed. I made a ticket on Elsword gameforge support website and I tried logging in so I can see the status of the report. However, I CANNOT log in whatsoever! I tried clicking resetting password and the password given to me in my email doesn't work either. I reset it AGAIN and it still doesn't work. Should I make the support ticket on here instead?

Elsword Gameforge Support
- Other
- WyldCard
Attention! We are receiving reports about SCAM attempts, which promise you to get Elcoin for free after submitting your account data on some pages.
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
Hey WyldCard,
Sorry to hear that you're struggling with your account to contact game support.
If you are curious on the status of your current ticket, you can also check the email that you used to register for your support account to see if a GM responded to it. There should be an automatic email that you receive if your ticket got a reply. Meantime, do try again to get your account access back by using the reset password function, and take your time doing it (by that, I mean give the system some time to process your request and not 'rush it through')
Regarding your last question 'Should I make the support ticket on here instead?', it depends on what kind of help you are trying to get. Anything account related must go through the support system via the Elsword support website. If it's just a generic inquiry that doesn't involve your game account, send me or any other EN Moderators a private conversation first (discord message works too!) and we'll see if we can help you without you having to use the support website.
Hi there,
If you have a support account and you're sure the password is correct but still it gives you some kind of error on the support site, I would personally advise you to try with either other browsers or going into Incognito Mode to ensure you are not running any plugins/addons since this has been known to cause issues from time to time and using a clean browser usually helps to at least figure out the issue is not the support site itself.
Now, about the bug: We do handle bugs in the forums so you are most welcome to report it here, however, keep in mind that if the issue is directly related to your account (or if the issue requires of us to gather personal information such as account name-character name and others, we will redirect you to the support since we can only do so there. My personal suggestion: Try to get the situation with the support site fixed first
Hi there,
Unfortunately, it is an account related matter so I do need elsword support but thank you the browser suggestion fixed the problem. I appreciate your help from the both of you!!