That's not even contradictory.
Updates of Elsword EU
- Akichan
- Closed
Attention! We are receiving reports about SCAM attempts, which promise you to get Elcoin for free after submitting your account data on some pages.
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
Well it's not like whales who wanted their +12 EQ would stop cashing anyways, just been milking those more. And just for the lolz, 5 days prior to Dusk/Dawn IB Release and 3rd path: have 36 hours of 20% EC Bonus!
Same is happening in German forum.
There seems to be some kind of algorithm that decides wether you get 20% for all or not.
this is how it looks like to me: -
that would be nice if they could say how they choose who can benefit or not of this hh
On my account,where I bought EL I have promotions 20%,but in the second account,where I didn't buy anything I dont have Happy Hour
Yeah it's the same. My second acc doesn't get the bonus until 50€ or more while my main-acc get's it for everything. I cashed on both but way more on my main than on my second one. No idea how that's calculated.
I don't understand why this new "feature" that only the 50 euro's is extra. Like...why? Like, what the hell is Gameforge doing.
Because you could think "oh no i'm missing an happy hour, let's use 50€ :("
NeoAnything is right. It encourages players, who have not already to use one of the more expensive options for the bonus. On the other hand, making all options available to those who have already sunk hundreds or thousands of Euros does not change anything, as those are already likelier to go for the expensive option anyway.
In reality it is sad that they have not warned, so who had bought a 25 euro coupon waiting for this event, did not have access to the bonus. They had increased the EC for the lowest cuts (5/10 euros) just because nobody used them, now they do not even allow to enjoy happy hour.
Woooooow, surprising indeed
Coexistence soon
Coexistence soon
stop giving me false hope
stop giving me false hope
It's confirmed tho, a lot of players received a mail saying that the coexistence arrives soon
can ya'll stop
my heart is racing
harmony festival in EU..finally..
I know right ? Sounds too good. I mean, the costume + hair that gives critical damage and skill damage, the 1 ticket required for 11-5 instead of 3, the FREE LV.9 MAGIC AMULET that we're supposed to have
I'm personally hyped.