I'd like to suggest that Names used by Characters that were offline for a certain amount of Days available for others again. (365 days)
There's kinda a names i'd like to have but can't get since those people are not playing anymore~
I'd prefer it alot unlike calling my Characters cringe like.

Make long unused Names useable again!
- Mercenary
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Well, get on with the cringe, because you've missed the opportunity of the server merge, and that already was a mess as far as the naming issue is concerned. Your name is not that unique if others already have it anyway.
Well, get on with the cringe, because you've missed the opportunity of the server merge, and that already was a mess as far as the naming issue is concerned. Your name is not that unique if others already have it anyway.
Well i don't see the cringe here.
Why would i want a "unique" name, lol.
Didn't seem like you were succesfull getting Lord Yuuma back, huh?
well nvm.
That's not a good argument you gave me there, lol -
I don't need "good arguments" against this suggestion, since there's nothing really speaking for it in the first place. There's no "necessity" as was the case with the merge, and even then said necessity is debatable thanks to the tags that we're still forced to wear. You're not "more deserving of a name" simply by virtue of your current activity and while you could definitely argue, that no one is "more deserving" of any name based on past activity either – and the same could be done if we take the were to fame of its current user as measure against yours or whatever other metric one could come up with – that is not the basis on which one should implement a system that would just serve as little more than a constant stream of money to name sellers as well as a questionable means to force users to log in every now and then.
You could however (even though that goes against "best practises" in modern platform design) argue, that the technical requirement of unique usernames is flawed and should be abolished. That way, anyone could take whatever name they'd like and be happy with it. You would have to struggle with some downsides, though. Firstly, it'd cause usability issues with name-based searches, as many would like a name as cool as XxX_Swagmaster420_XxX. Secondly, you'd create a lot of room for impersonators, but you're already willing to do that with your suggestion anyway. While we can use unique IDs to appease databases, the same can not be said for humans. At best, we'd get a twitteresque system, where we have both a user handle and a display name, and then we'd have the same argument again with "oh noes, my user handle is already taken, whatever shall I do?!?!"
As far as me being successful in getting some name is concerned, you're assuming I tried to do so in the first place. For all I care, the person behind it can main Rose or whatever. Of course I can't speak for all people who had their name taken (both in a real sense and in an imaginary one), but given that I already want to avoid such situations despite that, I also don't think that I have to.
I have already asked this to IT staff and they said that they won't to do this.
indeed~ it's kind of an issue that people have lossing their names and probably their accounts because they just stopped playing for about 5-7 years and never bothered to log in ever again.
Still .... they can't do that because these players always have a right to come back and play and GF Doesnt want to end up in the Court because they deleted some accounts for funzies and inactivity to free up unused names because that one player whose account might get terminated decided after 7 years of inactivity to go back online and his account is gone even tho he Spend 200€ back in the day he still played and left the game at that
So... to keep it short
this won't be happening -
Still .... they can't do that because these players always have a right to come back and play and GF Doesnt want to end up in the Court because they deleted some accounts for funzies and inactivity to free up unused names because that one player whose account might get terminated decided after 7 years of inactivity to go back online and his account is gone even tho he Spend 200€ back in the day he still played and left the game at that
They won't end up in court. You've accepted the ToS and in them it's clearly stated that GF is the owner of your account and that they may delete it without reason or compensation. So legally, they could do this without consequences.
As for the suggestion, I don't think it's necessary at this point but I also wouldn't mind it as long as you have the option to exempt your characters from this. For example if you spend a year abroad and therefor can't play for a longer period of time, it should be possible to keep your names regardless. Still, in the end, I'm
If the account was banned i would be in favour, but if a person return after a inactivity (for more motives) i'm opposed for the removed name
Multiple people lost their nicknames to lvl 10 characters that logged in only once after the merge just to never be seen again. I'm sure people would happily spend some buck on name change cards if those chars lost their names.
If the account was banned i would be in favour, but if a person return after a inactivity (for more motives) i'm opposed for the removed name
if that person is still missing for like 2011 chances are, hes absolutely never coming back in one of my guilds we got such a winner level 30 sword taker
offline since .... (need to check) but something about 2600 days that guy is absolutely never coming back. also as far as i know each player account is property of Gameforge Ltd. GmbH so if they decide to do stuff to your account who are you to intercept them? it's their Property not our's we just "lend" the accounts we create. -
If the account was banned i would be in favour, but if a person return after a inactivity (for more motives) i'm opposed for the removed name
if that person is still missing for like 2011 chances are, hes absolutely never coming back in one of my guilds we got such a winner level 30 sword taker
offline since .... (need to check) but something about 2600 days that guy is absolutely never coming back. also as far as i know each player account is property of Gameforge Ltd. GmbH so if they decide to do stuff to your account who are you to intercept them? it's their Property not our's we just "lend" the accounts we create.I have the same situation in my guild, half of these users have lost their names during merge, but half of them still have their nicknames also if they don't play since 2012 or 2013... Probably they'll never come back.
You could however (even though that goes against "best practises" in modern platform design) argue, that the technical requirement of unique usernames is flawed and should be abolished. That way, anyone could take whatever name they'd like and be happy with it. You would have to struggle with some downsides, though. Firstly, it'd cause usability issues with name-based searches, as many would like a name as cool as XxX_Swagmaster420_XxX. Secondly, you'd create a lot of room for impersonators, but you're already willing to do that with your suggestion anyway.
I like this suggestion more. Every messenger nowadays has usernames with unique tags. I think it would be cool if MMORPGs would follow this concept and allow players to have different characters with the same name. At least that way no one would be sad because someone took their character name(s) after they've made a long break (there were times where I had a 450+ days break and came back after all).
Especially in Elsword, where you can potentially have 42 characters on one account (after Laby comes out) and where diversity is seen as an important aspect of the game, this system would help many (new) players to find names they actually like. However, I would maintain that you can still give each of your characters their own name.
I think the problem with this system would be... it would be hard to whisper to players you've just met (or to send them a friend request) if their tag isn't visible all the time (and I think there a many people who wouldn't like that all that much). Also tags aren't as easy to remeber as names.
And I agree. No matter which way you'd choose, the risk of having impersonaters in the game would increase significantly. -
Anyway, a tag is still better than waste days for find a decent nickname.
Due inactivity