Power of the Seven Worlds

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  • Hey,

    how many parts of Eve's Power of the Seven Worlds Costume Set would i need to trade it for a Pot7W Weapon? (Add)

    I got 5/5 Costume Set and Accessory Top Piece, Face Bottom, Bottom Piece


  • It depends on the seller, some would do it while others don't

    If I would have it then I would trade, since I don't like Add and I don't play him


  • I got 5/5 Costume Set and Accessory Top Piece, Face Bottom, Bottom Piece

    you'd probably have to trade all of that + 700m ED

    5/5 should be around 500m, the accessories are also 500m in total

    perhaps with IBs like wonder märchen and others the price of the weapon will decrease


    Edited once, last by Altale: Deleted irrelevant content ().