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I'm a poor guy. I have like 7kk, got some good El Tears to sell (Maximum strike +11%, Energy Wave +12%), but no seal, and my El Tear market isn't going well either D8 no response
Otherwise i'm fine, hyped about the coexistence OwO
What would you tell to your kids (if you had some) about sexuality if they asked what sex is ?
I would telle them everything about it
I am poor and I only have 400kk fck u
nevermind, HYPEEEE for coexistence
Do you feel bad about the fact that coexistence is during the start of school if you have school ? q=q
I start university in November, so still have like 2 months of pure liberty.
Which is neat, but i got 2 Exams at September.
Why Russia is so great? -
It isn't great, but memes make it viable to laugh to I guess
That coexistence during school tho T^T but NA got it in september too
Why are asian people so polite :<
They're relaxed.
Edit: didn't get it that there was a event during school. Sorry
Why Gold Bars are so rare to find? -
Cause they dont grow on trees
How to cure depression?
I want to know too.
Why things happens? -
Nicolas Hulot left French government
Who will replace Nicolas Hulot?
Some random centrist who won't get anything done, but who will promise to look at the issues from "both sides".
When were you enlightened?
when looking at the sun
How to turn the sun off?
Because it's shiny and it clear your surrounding, is kira kira ~ desu
What do you think about french people ?
I think they are assholes most of the time, but it might be everyone and not just french. I'll just say that french shove themselves a broom up on their butt, un balais dans l'cul as we say o/
What is the best country for you ? Finland for me :<
It is Canada for me, idk I think Canadian are friendly
I think they are assholes most of the time, but it might be everyone and not just french. I'll just say that french shove themselves a broom up on their butt, un balais dans l'cul as we say o/
What is the best country for you ? Finland for me :<
- Moi aussi je pense de la même façon
Why does everyone are all crazy about some ice falling across the sky in winter ?
Because some snow ball proves global warming wrong.
What are your thoughts on milk?
It's a tasty yet deceitful drink, because when it goes bad, it's awful. I would rather bath in fire :')
What is the best pet ?
Cats ? I knew it -
Miho, hands down.
What's the best mount (besides your partner)?
my bike
what's the point of putting on weight
Can you answer on IT?