Just kidding, I don't have a favorite song in french. It's my childhood tho, so I love it still :3
What is the solution to world permanent chaos ?
What is the solution to world permanent chaos ?
A planned economy.
When the EU finally decides that gambling is indeed gambling, what will happen to Elsword?
Easy ice burners when you have 500€
What is going to happen to us when elsword will be shut down
We still have pixiv…
So, are you looking forward to the link tax?
Absolutely not, the link tax is medieval rubbish.
I really do hope the Italian government will do everything in their power to resist it and to fight it. I still can't believe it has been approved.
Does perfect multiculturalism equal aculturalism (lack and/or loss of the original culture)?
Do you eat at breakfast ?
Do vampires die?
They might die by silver bullets.
How much time do you spend on social media per day?
Our lives are defined by social media even in our absence.
Which aspects of life have not yet been commodified?
Art ?
Why people here are asking deep questions ?
Probably because deep questions are harder to answer.
Did you want to buy Omega Labyrinth Z for PS4?
Why do people overrate art?
Because most of the time is not overrated. Alright, maybe sometimes people try to give too much symbolism in some parts of a portrait, but that's both the beauty and curse of art. You can give a lot of symbolisms in some parts of the painting, while probably the original had little to know symbolism to begin with, it was probably just a aesthetic thing.
Should i play FF:T or continue farming in GBF?