There's compatibility issues with the Windows 11 preview? I tried running with no success (crash after login screen).
compatibilitywith Windows 11
- Other
- cpeluti
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I've heard players having issues running Elsword at windows 11 because windows 11 only supports 64-bit. Elsword being a 32-bit game isn't supported after windows 10. For the time being downgrading it to windows 10 or lower should fix the issue.
because windows 11 only supports 64-bit
NO, really ? are they crazy ?
because windows 11 only supports 64-bit
NO, really ? are they crazy ?
I think so.
Unless there is an app which allows you to run 32 bit programs (on windows 11)
I'm going to add a small note since I wrote some vague statements. When I wrote Windows 11 only supports 64-bit, I should've written 64-bit processors. Sorry for that confusion
(tech words be confusing to me sometimes). I am informed that 32-bit softwares/apps should work fine with Windows 11 update. So for the time being, it might be just Elsword.exe having issues with Windows 11 for unknown reason.
P.S. Also keep in mind what Griffon said and wait till W11 is officially released because it is also possible that it's a temporary glitch x')