Which force skills for Shakti?

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  • Hey Guys!

    i just hit level 99 with my shakti.

    my question is which force skills/mod should i look for? i have no idea.

    im especially curious about fox fire mod.. should i use it?

    thanks in advance :)

  • hey, i see some errors in there, and want to juice some in too^^

    When you are fresh to shakti, try to always have that one stack up to 5, that will give you a huge amount of attack and maximize/devastation.


    Modded Firefox for bosses, unmoded if it is needed for clearing or mainly farming. (i use mod only on raid, henir sometimes and drabaki, also in 13-5) always worth a trans slot!

    Modded thunder is the next thing, would recommend using this also on trans slot, as it has a lot of utility, and it's damage is formidable.

    In dungeon you would want to use unmodded necromancy as it boosts bravery (firefox) and for pvp the modded version, if you play thunder as damage skill there.

    If you raid, always check the party and ask what version is best for you to use, some damage players need modded and most need unmodded necromancy.

    The other modded skills make mostly no sense, as they fail the check of usefulness in any regard!

    In terms of elrionde or rigomor skillselection, you would want firefox in 90%of the cases, only in pvp thunder may be better, (i use it, and it is glorious) l.

    Hope this helps and reaches you, gl and hf
