Yo Fosco , whats the Name of your KE/LK?
Fosco is here
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Yo Fosco , whats the Name of your LK?
Just Fosco, if u want hard carry me in henir... add me...
Yo Fosco , whats the Name of your LK?
Just Fosco, if u want hard carry me in henir... add me...
Carry me.
Brainded char are player by same ppl.
Just Fosco, if u want hard carry me in henir... add me...
And so the story began.
And this is how i met your fathers.
Chissà quale dei due suona il basso.
Bhè se uno dei due deve essere carriato.
Things are gay here
They're just jealous that I dont caryy em
Things are gay here
Just as you like, BEBBYYY
The gayer it is, the more i like it
Puny Duck want more stuff.