Obviously, but you are too
Fosco is here
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- Fosco
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We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
Obviously, but you are too
E tu che ci fai?
Un modo per guadagnarci lo troverò.
Facci il kebab
La gente che mangia kebab è cattiva.
La gente che beve l'acqua è cattiva.
Quindi bevi altro con me.
Poor Jiaozi.
La gente che mangia kebab è cattiva.
io sono molto malvagio
Evil Fosco
Fosco is dead.
The voices echo in my head
Is Fosco alive or is Fosco dead?
Is Fosco dead?
How can you talk like this è3é
*Kick their asses*
Fosco is dead.
How can you talk like this è3é
*Kick their asses*
Lost in the darkness
I fade from the light
Faith of my father, my brother, my Maker and Savior
Help me make it through the night
Blood on my conscious
And murder in mind
Out of the gloom I rise up from my tomb into impending doom
Now my body is my shrine
Mi raccomando la scarpetta con la baguette, oh.