Additional PvP Mode

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  • I would like to suggest an additional PvP mode where equipment and titles get ignored and the level of each player is set to the same one. (Level 1 for example; obtained skills will be kept, maybe Hypers shouldn't be allowed)
    This additional PvP mode would not be rewarded as much as the current one, so people would still play that. Maybe there could also be separate ranks and an official search, so there would be a random element that determines who your opponent is.
    That would bring more variation to the game and allow players in the early game to compete against other players and test out the PvP feature before they reach end game.
    Maybe this feature would even make it easier for the developers to balance PvP.


  • That's an interesting idea, but I would prefer a PvP mode where everyone *only* can use sparring gear from camilla and nothing else.

    No IB, no RoF, no mana necklace and all that stuff, only sparring gear!
