Full elpheus sold.

Aisha Stuff
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We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
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Price for the 3/4 Mariposa? I'll remove the hangers of course.
Price for the 3/4 Mariposa? I'll remove the hangers of course.
Ich habe mir die Pinnwand Preise angesehen und würde von der Rechnung auf 1,3kkk kommen.. Falls das zu teuer ist kann man immer noch weiter überlegen.
MR crown sold.
MR Wings out of wardrobe. Combat class weap out of wardrobe and sealed.
MR wings and combat class weap sold!
<-- Sell this one now.
Sell: Salvatore Ebalon Lunar Relic and HU Wings. (sealed)
I trade all my stuff for Ara stuff!
HU Wings sold!
Street Star Top&Bottom reserved for 700kk.
Excuse me, do you slipt ur sets?
I'm interested in top and hairstyle valentine (light/pink both). I offer 1K EL for them + seals. If not, how much for all set in EL/ED?
Also, I'm interested in servius too (no acc's). How about it?
PD: You can talk with me in game (Hyemi) or MP if you prefer it.
Street Star Top&Bottom reservation canceled.
Kindchen, wenn du Dinge dann noch kaufen willst nach den letzten Sätzen der Konversation.. schreib es doch bitte genauer.
4/5 salvatore ventus sold.
CE Top sold!
MR Seal sold!
Hamel swim shoes sold!
Salvatore gaia wings sold.