Ich bin schon ne alte Fuchsdame ._.
Ich bin noch etwas älter, aber keine Fuchsdame (besitze zwar YR und Asura, aber spiele diese nicht wirklich) @w@
Ich bin schon ne alte Fuchsdame ._.
Ich bin noch etwas älter, aber keine Fuchsdame (besitze zwar YR und Asura, aber spiele diese nicht wirklich) @w@
Awww ne kleine Füchsin x3
Hälfte von meinem Alter hast du ja schonmal.
Wirst auch noch groß und stark x3
Rena (NW) was my main too for a looooong time. Until i swapped over to Noblesse (That one was already decided before Lu/Ciel release in EU)
I'm not for hire though :3
I have this kind of training as a civilian due to certain circumstances.
It's my brother who does that for a living in a sense.
Himeri I actually see it this way, that carrying around weapons on everybody just makes it worse, since everyone who does not have them, feels like they need to have one.
And i also approve of the fact, that one should have long psychological training to ensure, that the person in question does not just use it on a whim.
Yet in the states, go to your local weapon trader and buy your super perforator. I cannot approve of that.
I definitly could. My combat training and actual experience goes way beyond that already.
However, this should never be the first way but rather the absolute last resort.
While i don't really have to make use of it at my current location, whenever i'm visiting my aunt in the united states, this kind of ability may come into play.
Sadly, it's much less safe there than here.
Definitly easier to settle on english, because it's usually more common.
Don't quote me on that though x3
Schwierigkeiten like abrutschen?
Kein Kopfkino bitte :3
Me is auch Frau, und selbst wenn Mann involved wäre, wäre eine Schwangerschaft bei mir fast unmöglich (2-3 Jahre noch, dann ist es unmöglich)
Aber was spielt das schon für ne Rolle. Hauptsache fun ! x3
Exactly. Which i actually don't.
I pronounce them the "right" way x3
For anyone else, it might.
The one thing, that many non-german people have problems with, is propably to rightfully pronounce all those german words, which have this "ch" in it.
Like "doch" "Kirche" and so on.
Das erinnert mich an einen Song von Kool Savas
Oder aus einem meiner Satirebücher über die griechische Mythologie.
Ohne "das", keine Kinder. Die Mutter aller Dinge, right? x3
No, not even Austrian/German can. It's a lie, they're faking it. Speaking german is like chanting the necronomicon : you can't. And yes, you can summon elder gods with such a demonic language.
Trust me, i can pronounce it x3
I'm also fully capable of reading the old-german letter's. Why i can do that? I actually have no idea. I never had any trouble with that to begin with.
But how about the Word : Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft.
That one is quite lovely too.
Richtüüüch :3
I can pronounce it. Not like i'm proud of that though x3
Nur unanständiges. Das is aber nicht schlimm, nicht wahr? :3
Jetzt haben wir euch alle im Blick, harhar x3
Ein wildes Beamy !
Jupp, und alle connected.
Mehr jedoch die, die auch gewillt und in der Lage sind, sich auf Englisch zu verständigen :3
Hi there, everyone !
Now that we have been fused together here as well, i thought it would be approbiate to introduce myself here again.
I'm playing Elsword since december 2013 and started my journey as a little Rena on DE.
I've come a long way since then, practiced a lot with pretty much every character (except Raven, Rose and Ain. i just don't like them) and settled on Lu/Ciel (Noblesse/Innocent) quite a while ago.
Had a funny little thread on the DE Forum, which explained the different Elsword player-personalities in a satiric way. But i don't think i'll keep it up here as well. I just lack the time.
As for some personal Informations about me. I'm 30 years old, the owner of a night club, and very well trained in MMA.
We could keep this going for ages, but a short introduction is better than a full life-time story.
So i end it with my approval of the new change, which connects us all and better :3
(Note : My main language's are german and english. I do have people, which could translate other language's for me, but please don't make me type those. I feel i would butcher most words quite horribly)