As you have already contacted the support please be patient and wait for the replies.
Sometimes we have to issue a Manual ban which we may or may not send an email after it.
If you have been banned, it is true you should check your email first to know the reason why.
If there is no email regarding your ban please contact the Support as soon as possible.
I hope I clarified this situation and we are sorry for the inconvenience with the missing Ban Email.
We shall try our best to attach emails when issuing Bans manually for future reference!
Have a nice day and I shall be closing this thread.
Posts by Memoritter
Memo the great Ritter from Elsword EN community speaking here.
We would be happy to announce our Community Interaction Event [Weekly Edition]!
The aim of this event is to get together and have fun as community.
Unfortunately, there will be no rewards included for those that want a little bit spice in their everyday gameplay as these Events will be once per week, for fun with GMs (or just me, we'll see, I'll drag someone else too I swear) and other players.Who can participate?
Anyone, literally anyone that can get their lovely character online in game.
What's the point of all this?
Did I not explain it already?
Having fun as community.
If I would go into more details... getting one shotted by GM gear (some of you from EN community perfectly know how that goes), trying to kill a GM that has not PvPed in ages in a "fair fight", maybe some minigames like hide and seek, Tower Defense, Tag, maybe a fashion show(!?), maybe we go rolling dices and see who wins and many more if my and our teams brains allow us to come up with more!
Why this Event is a bit special?
Well, y'know, we will try to give streaming a go on Twitch!
And try to upload perhaps some highlights or edited videos to Youtube eventually!When is this Weekly even happening?
The day of the event may change depending on player feedback buuuut... for now...
Every Saturday at 5PM (17:00) CEST.Yes, this week counts. So this friday.
What we gonna do?
You decide my dear players, let's just keep out of dungeons!
try this link for the UK client: Hue said, that's how you download English UK Client through that link.
Otherwise if you really wish to, you can download the game through steam, just need to make sure if you want to play Elsword Europe you need to download "Elsword Free-to-Play" which is published by Gameforge. -
Usually when your download gets stuck, you should take note which file it stopped on
Go to Elsword files, Data and delete the file it tried to Patch.
Then try to patch it again.
Regarding the support system.
Forums, Support page and Official website have 3 different login systems.
Thus, every single one of them needs a new account.
So to contact French Support you should create a support account and then try to contact them.
Hope this helps!
Memo -
First of all, this is English subforum thus, the post was supposed to be in English.
Second of all, as the person above mentioned a support ticket would have been a lot better.
Third of all, we will look into it and see what we can do regarding the video.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Thread closed. -
Maintenance is over!
You are free to login.
Have a fun playing! -
Hello everyone!
Unfortunately, the maintenance will take a bit longer than expected as there are unexpected issues.
The Maintenance shall take a few hours more than expected.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Your Elsword team. -
We did have this suggestion come up before multiple times when Elsword EU got introduced with Steam access, unfortunately, the ability to link an existing Elsword account to a Steam account is sadly not possible and might not be possible in the future.
We are sorry for this inconvenience. -
Elsword players!
Suddenly our Game Master raccoon( Griffon ) found some secret tech while rustling with the tickets.
The secret tech gave him a title of Super Raccoon, so along with his title he shall now be known asSuper Game Master
Griffon .
Good work to our raccoon Griffon and hope you like your new tasks!Your Elsword Team.
Well, even though I just read all of this and did not do much
Yes, Creska is correct at the effects being halved in PvP.
So that issue is indeed intended.
Thank you to Creska for doing a gud boi job explaining instead of me.
and now to close this Post since the problem is solved. -
Could you please give us a tad bit more details regarding this bug?
How did you count the % of the extra damage for both skills and command damage?
We shall be waiting for your response. -
Thanks for your Bug Report Jam !
I'm stepping out line by taking away Moderators work
I have forwarded the issue and hopefully it gets fixed as soon as possible by KoG!
though I gotta admit the timing for the music to kick in and the bug is just godly in the first clip xD
aaaand mods can close this thread now >:Gomenasai for stealing forum work! -
Hello there!
Ketsuekii has made a wonderful job by making a guide regarding RaS in this forum, so hope it helps ya!
Here is the link:
[Laby] Guide for Radiant Soul path
It's a tad bit long read but all main information is in there~ -
Indeed, as SuperNova mentioned, Laby has her own personal ice Burner which gives only Dark Order/Black Messa pieces for Laby,
Thus the cubes for Dark Order/Black Messa cannot be opened by Laby.
Only exceptions to these rules will be the new Ice Burner sets.
The older ones must be Laby specific. -
I have some CS avatars rotting in my bank, but I they are written as "un-sealable", because long time ago, every avatars could be sealed 5 times, and some of them could be sealed only once.
Now that we can freely transfer any IB, it looks like my old CS avatars cannot be sold anymore because by the past, I think 'cause they have reached [0 time left to be sealed].
Yes, most of new IBs and I think even quite a few older ones are now tradeable without any seals that's correct but it does not include Cash Shop Avatars.
As far as my knowledge goes, Cash shop avatars still need Seals to be sold or traded.But basically, I was wondering if this was a bug, or GF forgot to restore theses old unsealable items ?
Why can't I transfer some CS avatars ?
If it's not a bug, why can't I sell my old stuff ? Is there an item I can buy to restore them ?
Why should I do with them, dismantle, or let them rot in the bank ? I've paid theses stuff with EC, I remember well.
I'm waiting for a Staff answer.
You had 5 seals on the hair and that was all you have had unfortunately,
There are no items or ways to restore the seals on the item.
Now what you do with the avatars that have 0 seals is up to you
Keep them, dismantle them, wardrobe them and use them as some sort of mix and match avatar look.Hope this explains some things to you.
Have a nice day! -
Why regular ArmaBlade instead of the Force skill?
it's better
Okay, Okay, no no no NO.
Regular ArmaBlade IS NOT better than Force ArmaBlade.
Normal ArmaBlade:
10% Attack power for 30 seconds.
Force ArmaBlade:
20% Attack Power for 20 Seconds.
Now Tell me how is 10% attack power better than 20% attack power?
sure it last 10 seconds more but that extra 10% Attack Power to the original 10% is a lot better by a longshot in absolutely anything.
ArmaBlade is not to be used as dealing damage skill, you can kill mobs with it but it's better to profit from it with 20% extra attack power with Mod ArmaBlade instead of do ~500% more damage and get only 10% extra Attack power.
The other skills are all fine as far as I can see. Though I'd use Sandstorm (or Sand Hurricane) instead on the T letter skill slot (As in I'd take it on my Transcendence Slot). -
Should abandon the limitations of
no Sage stones
no Sinister intent 3/3 accessories
and get a ED shop pet whenever it is possible and if you're lucky enough ( Nexxon posted a list of good pets from ED shop that give a small but nice boost on the other CP discussion thread here.
No ERP used either (all on Item drop and EXP gain)
With your constraints even without using the Red Hero gear (which gives a huge boost due to All skill dmg set effect)
I can rack up 72k with Enchanted magic stone socketing (6% on +8 wep, 2.5%/3% on +7 armour, actually some of the sockets are PB charge or other Offensive sockets that add to Battle Strength, ran out of Enchanted magic stones to finish the set socketing...), which is Entry level for Void weapon farming and Elyanod stone farming
Lv: 21(weapon MP gain on hit 7% ID)
Lv: 22(top and bot PB charge 4%, bot being dmg resist but that does not count towards offensive CP)
Lv: 24 (gloves PB duration 4%)Lv: 29 (shoes DMG resist again, doesn't count towards CP)
Item Mall OR currently available event dungeon exclusive gear that you can get if you do it daily and Perihart's Tear which you can get from Story line quests, apart Eltrion legend necklace but that one has IDs of DMG resist only so... only MP gain stuff are included to CP.
Preferably critical hit and Deva though I am not sure if I imagined it but Critical hit stat gives more CP than everything else.If we take Sage stones (which are even in current Event: 1 run for 10, 2 runs for 20 and 3 runs for 30 that's 60 Sage stones)and take only sockets that are above 3% on armour and 6% on weapon, would have Red Hero set parts (2/5) at Lv at least 26+, you should be able to hit at least 95k or 100k (feel like I forgot to mention something...)
However that's only in theory as I have not tested it considering I have 300k+ CP on my Raven by CASUALLY playing and farming stones now and then (or stealing from friends...) for Elyanod set and invested a bit on Upgrade event for +11 Void weapon that is not even stage 15 yet, and I use that to farm up any other stones for other characters (apart Elyanod gear because I'd rather do Story quests for ED and a free 4/4 Elyanod)
Can't gurantee it but, it is highly possible in my opinion.
Also it's possible to grab that +9 Hero weapon which is free on D-day event to help you farm Void weapon which would also increase CP by a bit due to higher ATK/MATK.
Right, forgot to add that AND IF your Hero equips have a good Hero effect that adds to CP (Excluding the Stacking or On Hit/being Hit effects since those don't give you any CP) -
-random Memo coming in-
It does sound like an interesting theory!
Though, Rose was mainly appointed to travel to another dimension by the Queen/Empress due to the fact that Elrios disaster with the El was causing a disturbance in Rose dimension.
So you could say, all Roses have the same path up until Rose arriving to Elrios. From there onwards you can assume that there are multiple parallel universes where in each she advances to her current 4 jobs. Also considering she has 4 jobs that'd would make another bundle of universes due to having to fit in a 4th job while everyone has only 3 jobs.
Also, Elsword Lord Knight was trained by Vanessa of Belder Knights not by Raven Blade Master -
Glad to Help
sadly I can't close :c -
Nexxon You are free to share those filters you are talking about in this topic as Athena did mention you should not hesitate to let us know by using this Thread!