Posts by Bewear

    Listen up Heroes of Elios,

    We would like to let you know that there has been a change on our support site and therefore its link. From now on, any tickets should be opened on our new support site to which you can access via

    You may notice this support is slightly different to our previous one: You can now send tickets to the whole Elsword Europe support team via the same site (that's where the flags on the upper-right part comes in handy). Also keep in mind that if you are a player of the UK server (for example) you should send a ticket to the English (BE) team, keep an eye on that since the support site will pick (if available) your local language.

    We are in the process of updating all the links to the new site, the forum links have been updated and others (site, in-game) will follow :-)


    Your Elsword Team.

    How to use

    Click on contact support to create a new ticket for our board or game support. You can see an historic of all your submitted tickets by clicking on ticket history.

    Select board or game to get the next part of the menu.

    They will ask you for the nickname and then to pick one of the confirmed e-mail address. Select the right one (the one linked to your account).

    How to add

    Click on Manage email address to remove/change and in our case, add an e-mail address.

    On the right you see the current confirmed e-mail addresses linked with your support account. On the left of it there's a - button, this is how you can delete it.

    On the right on the page, you see add email address. You need to click on it.

    You will be redirected to this page. Here you need to enter the wanted e-mail address. You then have to click on submit to confirm your entry and you will get the following confirmation and instruction message.

    Once again, you will get an e-mail with a link to confirm this new address.

    After this, you have a confirmation message. You are now able to use the right e-mail address when contacting us and it appears in the confirmed e-mail addresses list.

    How to register

    You can see directly the login and the button to register a new account.

    Once you clicked on register, you have the possibility to create a board and game support account or to login.

    Please click on Register.

    It appears a new field where you can enter your data. Choose your nickname, enter your e-mail address and repeat it. The same with the password. Once you click on the register button, your support account will be created. You now receive an e-mail with the link to confirm that you are the owner of this board and game support account. Once you've done this, you will be redirected to the homepage of the support.

    Guide by Ryoko.

    How to add an e-mail address to your support account?

    It is necessary for all of you to contact us using the e-mail address linked with the account you contact us about and not an other e-mail address.


    We need to make sure that you are the real owner of the account, and contacting us with the right e-mail address also proves us that you are the owner of the e-mail account. If the information do not match, we won't be able to proceed with your request, as we won't be able to share the confidential information you might need.

    Do not worry, if you have several accounts or already made one with a different e-mail address, we will see how to add an e-mail address. Please make sure to add all the e-mail addresses you use for elsword (board and game).

    Table of content:


    The ticket system, which is the support for both the board and the game, can be found at the following address: Elsword Support


    Discord and Elsword is Evolving

    In 2017 the Elsword UK team provided the Elsword UK community with a Discord server that was used to bring the community closer together. Since then, it’s been a huge success and one of the brighter lights of the Elsword world.

    However, the community were quick to request an even grander server, one that brings the entire Elsword community, regardless of language together.

    After a mammoth round of talks lead by the Elsword UK team, all the Elsword teams, along with blessing from Gameforge put together a brand new server for Elsword.

    What is Discord?

    Discord is a popular text and voice based chat designed for gamers! You can run it via the dedicated client, in your browser, via add-ons in Franz! and Rambox, or directly from your phone!
    Don't worry, if you do not feel like talking, the voice channels are optional and you do not have to connect, you can simply type everywhere!

    How do I join?

    This is the permanent server link:
    Connect and then make sure to register your account!

    Is this run by Gameforge?
    No. This server is run by the team and is unofficial/not supported by Gameforge. Whilst you can find members of your Elsword team hanging out in the channels getting to know you, as this is an unofficial server Gameforge team members will not offer game/account support via this platform. Please use your countries ticket support system if you need assistance.

    So, can I find GMs/Board Mods in Discord?
    Depending on the community, but mostly yes. The Elsword team members want to get to know you and bring the barriers between them and the communities down.

    Any Server Rules?
    The server rules are listed in the rules channel for each language. Please make sure to read and follow them.

    Guide created by Darkfall

    What is IRC?

    IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and is the chat system that Gameforge has chosen to work with.

    You can connect to it via a dedicated clients or via web based clients!

    IRC Clients

    Here are a list of clients that you can use to connect to IRC:

    mIRC(Windows only)

    IceChat (Windows only)

    HexChat (Windows, Linux, OS X)

    kvIRC (Windows, Linux, OS X, FreeBSD)

    If you do not want to use an IRC Client; you can instead use a web based client to connect.

    OGN Chat

    What will I find there?

    Elsword has it’s own special channel where you can find members of the Elsword community and the official team for a quick chat, some help or general fun and games.

    Also we have a global chat for all languages. You can join it in #Elsword.

    How do I connect?

    To join to the official Elsword channel, you will need to connect to the OnlineGamesNet servers (OGN).

    For easy access you can just select the web based client (OGN Chat). Simply put in your nickname of choice (can be changed later) and in the ‘Channels’ field, put in

    Press connect and have fun

    If you wish to connect more regularly and have access to chat logs, we recommend connecting via a client.

    For any client, after you have installed it, you will need to set up the OGN servers. Don’t worry this is rather easy.

    Step One:

    You will need to add in the server details, they are:

    1. Server:
    2. Port: 6667
    3. Password: (empty unless you have an authserv account)

    Some clients ask you to put in a server name, just put in OGN.

    Once that is done, connect to the server.

    If it was successful, you will see messages that look like:

    1. * Connecting to (6667)
    2. *** Looking up your hostname
    3. *** Checking Ident
    4. *** Found your hostname
    5. *** No ident response
    6. Welcome to the OnlineGamesNet IRC Network, ElsUser
    7. Your host is, running version u2.10.12.14-OGN3
    8. This server was created Fr 12. Feb 2016 at 17:11:54 CET

    Step Two:

    To access the ElswordUK channel, in the chat line type the code found below and hit enter.

    1. /join

    Registering an account on OGN

    If you like the IRC channel and wish to join more often, you can register an account with OGN, (this is optional).

    To do so, just go hereand register. Once it’s all done you can log into your account directly from IRC.

    You will need to know the following commands:

    1. /authserv auth <username> <password>

    For security purposes, if you try and login with a different IP address to what you used before, you will need to request a new authcookie. The instructions are sent to you in IRC.

    You will be asked to send this command:

    1. /authserv authcookie <account>

    This will send you an e-mail containing your cookie. To activate it, just copy the command found in the e-mail, it will look something like this:

    1. /authserv cookie <account> <cookie>

    Any Privacy?

    Yes, OGN automatically hides your real host and IP, you will appear something like this:

    1. ~LuCiel@3s8hgyqsvrwsux228ldu5bg30.guest.OnlineGamesNet

    If you register with OGN, you can then get a Fakehost that is something like this:

    1. username.user.OnlineGamesNet

    In order to use that, first register with OGN then auth into your account (instructions are above) .

    After that, type in the command:

    1. /mode <nick> +x

    That will look something like: /nick Darkfall +x

    You can then instruct authserv to automatically hide you upon login by using this command:

    1. /authserv set autohide 1