Posts by rearquadruplepolish

    I really hope, that the higher-ups of GF answer my comment, because I want to know their reasoning.

    I literally want to know if for GameForge would be too much to host monthly tournaments with €25/€13/€10

    coupon as a prize, for top three.

    (If any of the teamlers could ping the CoMas for this, thank you)

    Is it possible to get a statement from either CoMa or Mod that it got directed to the, that we want a detailed answer?

    It has been a week and there hasn't been any statements whatsoever.

    Das ist damit Leute es nicht so schnell durch haben. Ich finds gut. Dann rennen nur diejenigen damit rum die es verdienen. Wer zu faul ist soll es lassen. Oder ihr wartet bis leute Glacies ohne ende gefarmt haben und kauft die vonner pinni. Denn das häufigere Material ist sellbar. Ich freu mich darauf sehr. Endlich kann ich mal ein Set Day 1 seines Release anfangen.


    Du findest es GUT, dass man wie beim Elyanod-Set JAHRE warten muss, bis man es angenehm farmen kann? Das hat nichts mit Faulheit zu tun.

    Hier wird auch künstlich das Gefühl erzeugt, es sei nicht so RNG wie Elyanod-Equipment.

    Werde solche Menschen nie verstehen. Der Grind besteht nicht mehr darin, das neustes EQ zu holen, sondern darin 999 ERP zu erreichen.

    Some Lag-free Arena would be nice since a lot people just quit PvP for exactly that reason. When I play Elsword EU, I want to get matched against people from EU and not Mexico,Chile,latin America or Argentina (for PvP, PvE doesn't matter that much cuz the lag only affects the mobs spawning later or they take no dmg) However it's so frustrating when you lose in Arena VS. non-EU people because of that huge lag. I really want to see some GM's fighting in Freechannel against this... OOOH right they just kick them lmao

    The problem aren't really the South Americans/Asians/Africans in arena. They usually aren't too skilled to beat, mostly they lack gear as well (but makes it even more frustrating to lose against that kind of people).

    The problem is, that GF doesn't really understand, that playing against those people is unbearable. It's doable if there is a skill/equipment gap in arena (since the game is balanced around arena 1s??/2s). It isn't possible to make a tournament in the free channel interesting if there is delay AND lag from the side of the non-europeans. Nonetheless if they play a class which is boring to watch to begin with.

    Maybe the GF higher-ups just think, that we're some kind of xenophobics and don't want to allow them purely because they are non-europeans or something. No! The problem is, that most of those people:

    I really hope, that the higher-ups of GF answer my comment, because I want to know their reasoning.

    wowe here we are, back at it again........epic

    this rant is about GFs wrongdoings - if I say "GF" I mean the "higher ups", not the mods, not the GMs and not the admins (not in "2)"), the ones which decide everything which GF is able to decide

    1) sponsorship at pvp tournaments

    pvp is dead, no sugarcoating: it is dying just like NAs is. we lack players and the majority of people are playing pve - what could be the solution?

    pvp tournaments with prizes in form of ED/avatar/EC/GF cards

    THE PROBLEM IS, who is gonna sponsor that, the tournament host? sure, do that every week and you are gonna be poorer than me after a big addictive ice burning session

    we're talking about winnings in the size of 25€+, attemps have been made to reach out and GFs response was always a no and rarely GF game coupons for 10€ or less

    are you just greedy or what, are you paying your CoMas for doing nothing too much? what is the purpose of the CoMa if you dont care about the community or have even thought about a suggestion more than 10 minutes and DISCUSSED IT WITH THE COMMUNITY

    at least ONE has the decency to admit that the PvP Community of EU gets neglected, pve players get upgrade events, they have the dungeons to already make lots of ED (AND €€€ BECAUSE ED SELLERS ARE STILL A THING) - what do pvp players get? we have to play pve to play pvp properly, that doesnt make any sense at all

    can you at least not pander that hard to non-europeans, is it some kind of fetish to treat a sizeable amount of the community like dirt - if we cant play arena lag free at least sponsor tournaments in which we are able to play (or disqualify laggers)

    pvp tournaments without entry fees are not sustainable in small communities like this one in EU (in NA the same thing happened with similar pvp and total playerbase EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE MUCH FURTHER CONTENT WISE, RE:BOOT WONT SADLY FIX IT)

    even kurtzpel has weekly tournaments at ESL with 100!!!€ and more as the tournament win prize

    2) getting taken seriously as a community

    this is something which affects the community regardless of pve or pvp

    we dont get taken seriously, GMs/GF wont discuss any rule changes and use bad arguments to say "oh but we discussed with you so there is no further need to discuss it - CASE CLOSED" (see: Remove paragraph 5.2 first comma of Game Rules)

    "dont create another thread, if you have something to say then send me a DM" - Mod/GM

    but then the other players wont see what I wrote to you

    we need to discuss more, we need to talk more, we need to be more engaging

    you just dont care about us, you can lie to us and dont even have to show proof because what could we possibly do, in your eyes we are just fat cows waiting to get slaughtered after we have been milked for the past years, isnt that right? have the decency to admit or keep telling us we are your precious customers

    does the hotfix-patch tomorrow include the game-breaking drabaki raid bugfix? WE DONT KNOW, YOU DONT KNOW AS WELL BECAUSE IN KOGS EYES YOU ARE LIKE US JUST MONEYBAGS

    3) miscellaneous

    - please get a clean order on the updates, I dont want to get harmony festival 2018 364 days after NA got it, I dont want to get tons of bugs because the order of the updates is too mixed up

    - get the foreigner problem in control, give them a refund or offer them to talk with KoG and migrate them towards NA/INT, do SOMETHING and no "uh uh my boss said I just should say that we are still looking for a solution and uh uh uh uh uh i just dont know...................."

    - if you really are doing something then at least show progress, you have lied to us so many times, we are relying on NA patch notes, why should we believe you of all people - you are as trustworthy as the next guy who spreads rumors

    - can we have someone to talk to from GF who isnt just a mailman, you already have unpaid employee who do that for free

    i dont even want to write this post but WHO CARES, GF obviously doesnt


    website immer noch ein chaos :thumbup:

    bugs sind nach jahren noch im game :thumbup:

    durchgewirbelte updatereihenfolge verursacht u.U. mehr bugs (und möglicherweise auch crashes) :thumbup:

    spiel an sich ist nicht anfängerfreundlich weswegen das game auf whales angewiesen ist :thumbup:

    whales cashen weiterhin fett ins game wenn upgradeevent kommt $$ :thumbup:

    ed seller laufen frei herum :thumbup:

    es wird nichts gemacht, warum? weil es läuft ja schon gut warum muss man mehr machen :thumbup:

    immer noch keine entschädigung für ungenaue patch notes (timer) :thumbup:

    irgendwelche bootlicker sehen kein problem damit :thumbup:

    nicht-europäer-problem wird auch nicht behandelt :thumbup:

    forum einfach inaktiv geworden, keiner hat mehr bock was zu diskutieren weil es schon ewig durchgekaut wird und trotzdem sich nichts ändert :thumbup: