hello I would like to know if the raven furious blade is really cool in pve because it is my favorite perso and I would like to know more about its particularity
thank you
Raven furious blade
- Raven
- [BM]
- Chusei
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Hello, Not really. RH do the same easier and better.
Have a nice day
Furious Blade is one of the best classes for PVE. Why, because *insert Xamy's video*
He is the fastest character of this game & his damages are DAMN GOOD. So.. yea FB is cool for PVE
good damage? Where? lmao
I have a FB, create a FB & you will see them + dat insane up ↓
You're welcome.
hello I would like to know if the raven furious blade is really cool in pve because it is my favorite perso and I would like to know more about its particularity
Its actually. we are not talking about a patch note KR.
You're not smart dude.
So mad kid... ugh
Furious blade is shit actually, Rage Heart is so much better.
RH is actually better but I find FB isn't shit because he's still one of the fatest class of the game and do good damages with his OP buffs and passive skills. He's one of the best class if you want to clean quickly ! His bossing is actually low but his fast skills compensate his low bossing damages. For example, actually, he has skills with normal damage but fast so you can do 2 times fast skills while others char do 1 skill in an identic timing...
With the next balance patch I feel FB will become very very very good o_o ....
ok thanks for all