If you're interested send me a PM
A lot of Els Stuff (CS,IB,Rare CS, etc)
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Hi how much for the super hero costumes plz i want it tell me a good offer
"if youre interested send me a pm"
Do you have this ? :c
Missachtung der Forenregeln | Rokka
how much for 5/5 abaddon ?
Veltarox | PM due too early push sent.
150kk for the Combat Class Shoes ?
How much 4/5 IGC ? or you have 5/5 ? and you have 5/5 SR ? XD
escuse me do you have a blue overalls els ^^' ?
Post afk or what ?....
do you have a LoH Access Cuff for elsword ? =)
How much for the 4/5 maid red?
How much The USA desgin weapon