Thanks its perfect love u
shy aigo
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had some time...
just a bit practicing..
and a Little Sketch for a lil hellowitch
I love your signatures!!
ty neko!! :-3
:-3 ♥ happy Halloween sooon
So awesome!
Really nice job :3
a 10 min sketch :->
sketch of some guild members+me
10 minute sketch, not finished yet as you can see
picture i am drawing on - need to change the eyes, they're way to far apart.-.
much better eyes now.. uff..
waow i finished a picture.....................
i am so bad at drawing traditional... e-e
but hey... i was in the mood.. sooo -shareshare-
IdrA merry christmas to my lovely bebsi hope you're happy to see this after work.
Since I moved out two months ago and got a new computer I saved a "few" screens of my bebsi and me. :-³ thought it would be cute if I cut out all of them and put them together as a part of his was so much work..........(i didn't thought i have sooooo soosososo many screens of us... xdddd took me about 3-4hours actually..eê)
Over all, I just want to say thank you to him..
I enjoy all our talks + funny moments in discord/whatsapp ...... and our insiders.. (HERMEEEEEEEES)
Merry Christmas
Ach du scheiße, sieht das aufwändig aus... o.o Ich wär da viiiiiiiiel zu ungeduldig für... XD
Sieht aber sehr toll aus, hoffe er freut sich darüber! Wenn nicht, schick ihn zu mir. Ich regel das dann.
Frohe Weihnachten!
Wann is eure Hochzeit ?
Wehe es wird nichs mehr aus euch, nach dem hier. -