Thanks from the staff

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  • Hi everyone,

    today I've spent 25€ on Elsword and I feel like I should be treated like a customer and that also other customers should be treated equally.

    So, if you have ever spent money on this game, write in this thread and wait for the staff thanks... I want it to be heartfelt especially from CoMas and Shaaryn, who are paid.

  • Sorry to ask, but what is the point of this channel?

    Are you waiting for Gameforge or the Staff to tell you 'thank you'?

    Uh, good luck with that.

    That's not how it usually goes..

    in any game

    (Especially not because this is Gameforge anyway)


  • I spent a good load of money into this game back in 2016, looking forward to the staff thanks. :)
    Until then, I won't shop anymore. (Because I'm broke)
    Good luck to the other customers!

  • They have already told me "Thank you" after purchase, but with a bot. Honestly, It's a bit heartless. It's like, when you enter in a shoe shop... and they don't just write "Thank you" on the receipt, but also they have this cute cashier smiling at you - So, that's heartfelt, really makes a day better for the customer.

  • Hi everyone,

    today I've spent 25€ on Elsword and I feel like I should be treated like a customer and that also other customers should be treated equally.

    So, if you have ever spent money on this game, write in this thread and wait for the staff thanks... I want it to be heartfelt especially from CoMas and Shaaryn, who are paid.

    Per nulla basato, molto scimmiesco


  • But, you know that we're online, right?

    They can't simply get someone to smile at you for buying something.

    And if the GF CM sends a thank you everytime someone buys something... holy crap. He can do that 24/7 then.

    Elsword in March had around 2000 players on Steam alone.

    Even if only 5% of Elswords Playerbase cashes per day, they have 100 'thank you's per day only through Steam.

    Or should they write "Thank you 100 Steam Players for whaling in our Game" on a daily basis?

    Now I'm not a fan of Gameforge myself but what you're expecting is kind of ridiculous

    Besides I don't know a single game in which ANYONE will personally say thank you for buying something because of what i wrote above.

    Not in Genshin Impact, not in Grand Chase, not in Pubg, not in AHiT, not in LoL, not in WoW, ...

    It's just is how the Internet is.

    Damn I googled to much for this


  • I think they should send you a "Thank you" with some smile or drawing to show their gratitude.

    Because we are bad people and want them to suffer?

    No, because they offer absolutely nothing and we are gifting them money. Literally charity. Do I expect a "Thank you" when I give money to the homeless guy? At least that.

  • Hello Truzzetto! Long time no read!

    I've not been working on Elsword since 2016 as my life at Gameforge brought me onto new projects and responsibilities, but you know I left a piece of heart on this game and community and I still read the board time to time. I was quite surprised reading my name here again in 2021, so hey! How have you been doing?

    While I don't want to enter into the details of the topic you brought up, I still would like to point out, as a fellow gamer, one thing that I feel us, gamers, all over the world very often tend to forget.

    Any kind of online game lives on thanks to our passion, our time and our donations. We are what make any online game special and long-lasting.

    With this in mind, any community should always be thankful to themselves because they are the driving factor of a long-lasting, successful game.

    Gameforge, as any other developer or publisher studio, is glad to be able to continue running the service for such a long time (what is it now? 12 years from the first Elsword DE Launch?). But the core is not Gameforge, KOG, anyone else than the community that believes in the game and still enjoys it after such a long time.

    Of course we are thankful, and I mean it, for everything you put into this game, passion, time, money, feelings. Every player for us is special, there's no changing that. Even you Truzzetto! :P :P :P

    Hoping that you can continue having fun on Elsword for a much longer time, I wish you a great evening!

    - EDIT: clarification needed. My old account was deleted when we migrated the boards to the new one. I had to create a new one to answer here ;)

  • I mean, this is the reason the thread is here, right? With this thread they can thank us all in one. It's a one time thing, let's say... and it can be repeated in the future.


    WOH, is this real or is it Plasma's multi? I'm doing kinda good, i'm finishing my bachelor and getting ready to start my master course - And I'm still the same bad troll that I've always been as you can notice. No one of the older players has forgotten about you, you are still in our Elsword's jokes in Banda's Discord. Let's say that Elsword has still Shaaryn's name on it... We have this one mythological photo of one of our friends shaking hands with you. You too are still part of that community in some way -

    This was unexpected... now I'll save this reply. I'm indeed a satisfied customer - Thank you too bro, 25 bucks well spent even only for this reply... I'm touched (or trolled hard) - have a nice evening -

    Edited once, last by Truzzetto ().

  • I think they should send you a "Thank you" with some smile or drawing to show their gratitude.

    What the fu-

    Well, ok

    Because we are bad people and want them to suffer?

    No, because they offer absolutely nothing and we are gifting them money. Literally charity. Do I expect a "Thank you" when I give money to the homeless guy? At least that.

    Yeah, you're right, Gameforge offers literally nothing.

    13 Games

    of which Elsword alone got :

    6 or more languages

    14 Characters with 43, soon 56 paths

    around 2208 Skills ([Mod] Skills not included), soon 3042 Skills ([Mod] Skills not included)

    154 Dungeons (Tutorials not included)

    and more

    (yes i counted the dungeons and did some maths on the skills and characters)

    yeah Gameforge offers literally nothing.

    I mean, i can do that in 5 minutes with my little finger and i bet the homeless guy can do that, too

    i think, some of you guys don't really understand what a company is and how they act

    welp, i guess the problem got solved while i was typing my text


  • hi Shaaryn, long time no see! I remember coming to Karlsruhe back in the days to visit you, what a great day ( do you remember?), hope you are good; how’s job and life going there?


  • It seems you don’t know who programmed the game


  • They publish the games, dont develop them, so... the only valid thing for your argument you listed are.... the translations. Do these translations alone justify the money I am supposed to pay for amount of flaws their service has? No.

    yeah Gameforge offers literally nothing.

    You said it.

    i think, some of you guys don't really understand what a company is and how they act

    I think you in particular don't really understand anything about what a company is and how they act.

    Wanna lick some boots? Banda's boots are the best:whisperkiss:

  • Do you have to pay money? No.

    And i think being able to play in six languages like German, Portoguese, Polish and co. which usually don't have their own game is a pretty valid argument.

    Wanna lick some boots? Banda's boots are the best:whisperkiss:

    I bet they taste as terrible as your name, so no thanks.

    And in case you couldn't read my last messag

    but since Shaaryn answered there is no point in arguing anymore

    Shaaryn answered
    Now to argue even further is literally a waste of time now, so let's just end this.

    I bet we both got better things to do so let's leave it like that


  • Do you have to pay money? No.

    And i think being able to play in six languages like German, Portoguese, Polish and co. which usually don't have their own game is a pretty valid argument.

    Do I have to pay money? If I wanna play for real and not being carried in secret all the day for 2 years? I do. You don't even know the game.

    I bet they taste as terrible as your name, so no thanks.

    And in case you couldn't read my last messag

    Did you lick the screen to taste my nick?

    Shaaryn answered
    Now to argue even further is literally a waste of time now, so let's just end this.

    I bet we both got better things to do so let's leave it like that

    As you can see, he, unlike you, knows that a "thank you" is mandatory, given the customer service.

  • Do you have to pay money? No.

    And i think being able to play in six languages like German, Portoguese, Polish and co. which usually don't have their own game is a pretty valid argument.

    Do I have to pay money? If I wanna play for real and not being carried in secret all the day for 2 years? I do. You don't even know the game.

    Well i do. And i can farm Rigomor and money on my own pretty fast and finding Raid parties is not a problem either.

    Try to front me with something I'm not good in.

    I bet they taste as terrible as your name, so no thanks.

    And in case you couldn't read my last messag

    Did you lick the screen to taste my nick?

    Did you lick Banda's Boots to know how they taste?

    But i can explain it to you.

    Boots usually don't taste that great, easy.

    And i suggested by your name that you are someone who wants everyone to be equal.

    However then to state that one group of people is supreme is a classical case of making the word holy but not the meaning behind it.

    As you can see, he, unlike you, knows that a "thank you" is mandatory, given the costumer service

    "so no thanks."

    Well, I said thanks, too ._.

    But seroiusly, which part of

    "now to argue even further is just a waste of time" did you not understand
