Elsword patching slow and can't enter dungeon with party

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  • So I've downloaded Elsword a few weeks ago and i noticed there is some problem :

    1. The "comparing patch to the installed version" took so long, i've tried using different network and it still slow, like it could take 15-30 min
    2. When in-game, i cant seem to play with party. Everytime i queue and find party, the game will load to like 80%, stuck there for a few min, and then take us all back to the village. And i've tried using different network too, even try with an ethernet cable and nothing works.

    I dont think its my network problem becuase my brother use the same network as me and he dont have any problem that i have, i can play fine when using his pc, i also tried using my sister laptop and i dont encounter this problem (i play with a laptop)

  • Hey there,

    Perhaps you have compatibility checked to a certain Windows mode for the elsword.exe file? This sounds awful similar to me in the past when I had compatibility mode checked.

    You can check this by finding the elsword.exe file in your ProgramFiles or ProgramFiles(x86)/Elsword folder, right-clicking the elsword.exe file -> select properties -> select compatibility -> UNCHECK if compatibility mode is checked.

    I'll attach a screenshot but pardon me it's in Korean ;(

    Anyway, un-checking this boosted my patch speed by ALOT (under 20 seconds?) when it took me like 30 minutes, just like your current situation.

    Hope this was of any help!

  • So I've downloaded Elsword a few weeks ago and i noticed there is some problem :

    1. The "comparing patch to the installed version" took so long, i've tried using different network and it still slow, like it could take 15-30 min
    2. When in-game, i cant seem to play with party. Everytime i queue and find party, the game will load to like 80%, stuck there for a few min, and then take us all back to the village. And i've tried using different network too, even try with an ethernet cable and nothing works.

    I dont think its my network problem becuase my brother use the same network as me and he dont have any problem that i have, i can play fine when using his pc, i also tried using my sister laptop and i dont encounter this problem (i play with a laptop)

    Reinstall your windows and see if you will have the same issues, and get C++ runtimes. It could be that your PC has an old/bad CPU and that's why it takes so long, because Elsword uses a lot of the CPU
