Arrivals, departures and promotions of the Team

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  • :CoBofriends:


    This post is just to make official what Senakhtenre mentioned above.

    From the team side we would like to thank everything that he did for this community. It was a pleasure to work with him.

    May the world be good to you!

  • :CoBofriends:


    We suddenly have finally accepted a brand new minion Fuchsilein !
    Some may know them some may not, but we are glad to welcome him as a new Trial Game Master!
    I hope he enjoys the work that comes with the title and works hard!

  • :glimmering: Hello.

    It seems we have another Trial Game Master joining us today right after the last one yesterday!
    Everyone can say hello to our cutie wolf Holo as she seems to invade Elsword EN Teams Grain Fields for her naps.
    I hope she has a nice time among us in the Team but still does not get lazy for our Community sake!

  • :CoBofriends: Elsword players!

    Today we are sad to announce that Amyo is no longer a part of the team.

    We would like to thank him for all the hard work along these months.

    We wish him the best in his future!<3


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • Dear players! :kawaiikitten:

    I would like to introduce you a new minion that our forum team has hunted! Let's give a warm welcome to Mime

    I'm sure you will do a great job! Enjoy your duties :blush:


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • :petoy: Heroes of Elios!

    We just got informed that the game side are celebrating the promotion of their beloved Holo to Game Master.

    Congratulations for the position and we hope you keep doing the great work you've done towards the community!


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • Elsword players! :lganteddybear:

    Guess what! Our team is growing fast! Another minion has joined the EN team to help you all with his love and passion for the game! Welcome to the jungle SweetDream !

    Remember to provide cookies to our beloved users! :coexistencecake:


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • :CoBofriends: Elsword players!

    Our minion Mime has grown up! From now on, he will serve us as full moderator!

    Please, congratulate him on his new position!


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • :CoBofriends:Elsword players!

    Guess what?

    New year and new promotions comes from the board side. Our minion Altale has evolved into gifSMOD1 Altale gifSMOD2 . He will serve us as Super Moderator from now on.

    Thank you for your work and we wish you the best on your new duties!


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • :CoBofriends:Elsword players!

    Happy to inform you that we have 2 new promotions today!
    Our little trial [GM]Lumiere has lost his T from the TGM title and is now officially a full fledged Game Master and our lovely Holo has sprouted an S next to her GM title so now she's officially Super Game Master.

    Thank you for your time and patience with us and hope you keep staying with us for the days to come!

  • Elsword players!:cuteangel:

    Chirris is now helping the English community as a moderator! Please, welcome her and don't hesitate to poke her if you need help with her assigned sections!:blushing:

    Welcome aboard!


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • Elsword Players! :tears:

    Mime has left his position as moderator. We wish him the best and we're grateful for the work he has done towards the community.:lollipop:


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • Dear community! :kittenkawaii:

    I'm glad to announce that Cheyo is joining our team as a discord moderator! Most of you might already know him, but do not forget to bring him some cookies!

    Be kind!:virgo:


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom

  • Dear community! :tears:

    I wanted to let everyone know that Chirris has decided to leave the Elsword UK team on her own terms.

    I just want to take a moment to say how much I appreciate all the hard work and enthusiasm she brought to our community. It’s been great having her on the team. :lollipop:

    I wish her nothing but the best in whatever she chooses to pursue outside of Elsword. I'm sure she'll do amazing things!

    Thanks again, Chirris, for everything! :poweroflove:


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom