What stuff for PVE Code Esencia ?

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  • Hello !

    I'm a returning player, so i don't really know what stuff to get at lvl 99.

    I have a code Esencia, planning to play only PVE, no pvp. I have a secret dungeon set right now, what should i aim for next ?

    Also any tips for attributes & socket stats ?

    Thanks :)

    Le Septuor Mécanique : Hyaku00, Exile00, Antememory, Erewon, TeraData, Clona, Initializer - ExoGenesia, ExoNihilo, Anamnesiel

    The Heptavalent Laboratory : Accumulator, Cybernaut, Hexage, Node, CUDA, Erewyr, Dissolver - ExoMachina, Segfault, ???

  • after the secret dungeon set. (Do you have the old or updated one?) comes the Elrianode armor and Type Void Weapon.

    The Epic Quests will give you a +9 for the Void Weapon (50x Add Dungeon) and a full Elrianode Set. After that, you'll have to optimize your Elr- Equip with stronger Elrianode Stones (Drops or ingame trade at the board) and Enchantment Levels. Also, you'll have to farm some Disks (Shards from Type Void Dungeon -> Disks) for the Void Weapon.

    After that comes the endgame stuff, so Varnymir with Raid Weap and Rigomor with the best Equip.

    As for sockets, you should aim for 70~80% Crit, and Maximize.

    (The rest with Boss Dmg, i guess.)

    Attack Speed also gives a lot of MP (CP, my bad) , but always make sure to have Crit and Maximize.


    Edited once, last by Raid ().

  • I guess i have the updated one, got it like a week or 2 ago.
    Is the void weapon only droppable ? Do i have a chance of getting it doing it 50 times, or does it take a lot longer ?

    What type of enchantment should i get for my class ?

    I'm not up to the Rigomor zone yet, so i'll tackle it when i get there x')

    How does attack speed gives MP ? Just asking, i'm definitely new to all this, stats & optimizing.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions :kawaiiface:

    Le Septuor Mécanique : Hyaku00, Exile00, Antememory, Erewon, TeraData, Clona, Initializer - ExoGenesia, ExoNihilo, Anamnesiel

    The Heptavalent Laboratory : Accumulator, Cybernaut, Hexage, Node, CUDA, Erewyr, Dissolver - ExoMachina, Segfault, ???

  • Ah, i'm sorry i wrote it wrong. I meant to write that ATK Speed gives a lot of CP.

    (But i kinda gives more MP due to faster attacks anyways, lol)

    The Void weapon is only dropable, you can't buy it from other players or the cash shop. But i normally get the Void Weapon within 50 runs.

    For Enchantments, i think +8 should be fine.

    And i wouldn't worry about Elrianode Stones which strengthen your skills, yet. First, focus on getting Polarise (Top Piece), All Skill Damage (Gloves), Group: Physical Attack (Bottom Piece) for your Elrianode Equip.

    For the Shoes, Physical Defense Igno gives way more CP than Boss Damage.

    Once you reach 150k CP, try running Henirs Time and Space. The Force Skills you can exchange at Glave will give you CP, too.

    Something you should look for, too, is a Ice Burner Set and Ring of Bravery / Strengh. (Probably Bravery for Code: Esencia)

    The Main goal is, to reach 380k CP, so you can do Raid.

    This will take some time, though.


  • You should get rigomor gear and a FoJ on your main, while you have a void weapon.

    EC prices are 200+ right now, so you could cash and sell the EC and then buy some good rigomor 4/4 gear from someone and +11 scrolls are for like 4b on the board. If you aim for fast runs (no bossing), you should switch to CS (Code Sariel).
