How to use the Elianod color change tickets from event?

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  • Heyo! Hopefully you've figured it out by now but just in case you haven't..

    The tickets are used to switch between Red/Blue Elyanod Equipment that is complete with either all red or all blue Elyanod Magic Stones. Check if you have all the stones required to activate the red/blue set effect. If you are missing a stone, I'm afraid the ticket won't work due to it not being a "finished Elyanod Equipment".

    If you tried to use the ticket on a weapon, it must be a Weapon of the Apocalypse (Void-Type) or Flame of Judgement Weapon that is socketed with at least one magic stone with Attack/Magic Attack (e.g. Attack Lv., Attack %) value.

    Also, do check if you pressed the right button when talking to Aguar :D. If I remember correctly, there is a button for switching the color on the bottom of the Elyanod Equipment Socket window... (I'll attach a picture)

    Hopefully that helped with some confusion!