S>Eve IB & IM Sets /Pieces

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  • IB(Eve)
    S>ET1 4/5 (no hair) S>Eldrit officer 5/6 (No gloves)+Ceremonial Sword S>Unicorn 5/5
    S>Miracle Alchemist Emblem(Hold) S>Twilight Shadow 5/5+Monocle
    S>Earth Master Emblem+Crown
    S>Royal Maid 3/5 (Blue, no hairstyle & Legguard)

    S>Wind Master Hairstyle
    S>Lava Demon Wings
    S>Heaven Yaksha Cape
    S>Arch Angel 8/9 (No legwings) S>Fox Warrior 8/9 (No fox fire) (Hold) S>Celestial Master 10/10
    S>Perkisas 8/9
    S>Dark Eldrit Officer 6/6+Ceremonial sword[Cannot use in Wardrobe][Need 7 yellow seals to trade]

    S>Dreamy Night(White/Black) [Need 6 white seals for trade]

    S>[Star Acdemy]Strength [Cannot Use In Wardrobe][Need 1 white seal for trade]
    One piece avatar (Eve)
    1. Moon Rabbit Legend - Sunglasses (Eve) [Need 1 white seal for trade]
    2. Cuddly Animal Pyjamas (Eve, Hare) [Need 1 white seal for trade]
    Accept offer or trade for Avatar/Accessories of Eve
    #All need dehanger#
    # exclude those can't use in wardrobe#

    Contact Nephria#9647 on discord for further info