But if Easter has arrived! and as always the team has prepared a special event for you.
And what better way than looking for the white rabbit ?, the Easter rabbit ...
To participate in this contest, just keep an eye on the speakers and the forum, as members of the team (moderators and game master) will randomly create rooms in the Elios Studio with the name "MadrigueradeConejito" at various times.
Moderators and Game Masters will post on this same thread and send a speaker asking a question about Easter, the answer to the question will be the password to that room.
Users should take a screenshot next to the Mod or GM inside the studio saying the phrase "Hello Elios, Happy Easter" without the hidden interface.
Once the videos or photos have been taken, they should post it in the events section ->Here! :D
The title of the thread must be the name of one of their characters in the game (they can participate with different characters while they are from the same account) and within the same thread they will post the captures or videos.
All team members will have a costume alluding to Easter
The team members will also have the prefixes before their nickname: (BA), (GA), (SMod), (SGM), (Mod) or (GM) depending on the case. The complete list of team members can be found at the following link: List of the Elsword Spain Team
To identify the members of the team that will participate, they must take into account that they have the GM accessory that looks like this or like this: this way when giving the character of the Mod/GM a look
In the capture, the participant's nickname and the nickname of the team member with whom the capture is taken must be clearly visible.
Moderators and Game Master will remain in the room for a minimum of approximately 15 minutes per round.
The participant who has more photos or videos with the team members (on different days and hours with different Mods or GM's) will have a higher score points.
Extra points may be earned based on some conditions that will be specified below.
Photos or videos from servers other than the European one will not be allowed
All the rules, both the forum and the game, as well as the rules of the events area are present in this contest.
Agreeing with a team member to obtain the capture will not be allowed, the images must be spontaneous and random.
Likewise, it will not be allowed to ask a team member to come with a player to the game to obtain the capture.
It should be noted that in the case of videos they must contain the following legend in the video information box:
QuoteElsword: © 2010 KOG Co. Ltd. Published by Gameforge 4D GmbH. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
About questions about how to take screenshots and / or upload them, as well as how to make videos we recommend checking the following links:
- [Others] How to take a screenshot?
- [Forum Guide] How to upload images?
- [Game Guide] How to record a video in Elsword?
Elsword users from all European communities can participate
The team reserves the right to resolve at its discretion any atypicality not contemplated in these guidelines.
You can earn additional points to the event score in two ways:
Using accessories, sets or pets related to Easter or rabbits / hares when taking the catch with the Mod/GM
- For example:
-Soft rabbit ears (white or black)
-Carrot game
-Tender Bunny Wallet
-Giant carrot
-Space Moon Rabbit Ship
-Space Moon Rabbit Rocket
-[CoBo] Moonlight hare (pink, white or green)
-Sniffing Hare Twin
-Sniffing Hare Cushion
-Gothic punk bag
-Space moon rabbit
Sets and avatars
- Easter rabbit (pink, blue, black and white)
- Stuffed Animal Pajamas
- Space Moon Rabbit Set
- [Sweet dream] (rabbit)
- Bunny avatar set
- [2015 Japón] Second Place Package (Chung)
- [2014] Design contest winners. Bunny Set (Eve)
- It should be noted that the set, accessories, mount or pet must be clearly visible in the capture so that it can add extra points, leaving the validity of its visibility at the discretion of the team.
- For sets, pets or accessories not included in this list but that are related to Easter / Rabbits, the team reserves the right to decide whether or not they fall under the theme of the contest.
Modify the screenshots or edit videos related to Easter through a design program
-For which the videos can be uploaded to YouTube with editions alluding to Easter or retouch with any program such as photoshop or paint the image with the theme of Easter or rabbits.
Extra points may also be given to the images that in the team's opinion are the best of the event if they meet the necessary quality for it or if, for example, the thread has a presentation alluding to Easter very well elaborated
All the participations of the same user must be in a only thread, for this reason the consecutive post will be allowed for this contest
The event will be active approximately from April 6 to 12 of the current year.
1° Place: 13 € Coupon redeemable in any of the GF games
2° Place: 10 € Coupon redeemable in any of the GF games
3° Place: 6 € Coupon redeemable in any of the GF games
We hope this contest is to your liking and have a lot of fun
Happy Easter!
Elsword Spain Team
Your bunny staff
*Contest by Lady Poe