Sea Doggo call it's food.
Fosco is here
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U wot
Carry me.
Carry me.
Hmmm why?
Carry me.
Hmmm why?
Why not?
Things are gay here
so, let's talk a little about me.
with the pullet, 400km away, it ended badly
I worked two days ago and I am forced to bed but convalescence is not so bad
how are you?
So so, I'm deleting Ain.
So so, I'm deleting Ain.
That got scensored?
That got scensored?
The channel deleted a lot of Dio's stuff because REASON.
And now I'm crying because it was the best Dio'stuff around the web and I didn't downloaded my favourite albums, lmao.
Oh boy should've done dat , I downloaded so much stuff from things that could've been deleted already especially since some of this gets cockblocked by our German Rules