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would bang you
...gurt alla stracciatella? Ancora?
would bang you
All togheter
...gurt alla stracciatella? Ancora?
Mai provato quello al pistacchio?
Did you just assume my gender? ><
Did you just assume my gender? ><
You're just in the wrong place at the wrong time, you don't have to worry. Or maybe yes.
I don't care
Did you just assume my gender? ><
You're just in the wrong place at the wrong time, you don't have to worry. Or maybe yes.
Non spaventarla
Pizza and pasta is cool
...about this world anymore? Blaze?
where is stracciatella?
stracciatella is in the fridge
Pizza and pasta is cool
U are cool
where is stracciatella?
stracciatella is in the fridge
Like a pen
You're just in the wrong place at the wrong time, you don't have to worry. Or maybe yes.
Oh, I see
first time that someone called me cool
Himeri b-but... one-chan...
first time that someone called me cool
the first of a long series my brodah
He is assuming again. I guess, it's really the wrong place as well as the wrong time to be alive (to be here) D:
im a manly man with a d
we belong to the middle ages
Mai provato quello al pistacchio?
Probabile, ma non sono un grande appassionato di yogurt. Per me è formaggio di seconda categoria.