Nope sorry
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9/9 Thanatos 4b
9/9 Archdevil 3,5b
9/9 ET3 2,5b
9/9 Thanatos 4b
9/9 Archdevil 3,5b
9/9 ET3 2,5b
9/9 Thanatos 4b
9/9 Archdevil 3,5b
9/9 ET3 2,5b
How much for 5/5 ET3 ?
How much for 5/5 ET3 ?
It's possible to do a reservation ?
It's possible to do a reservation ?
Yeah sure, unless it's something like ten days
5/5 ET3 sold
9/9 Thanatos 4b
9/9 Archdevil 3,5b
4/4 (Spear+Accessories) ET3 1,6b
CM Pieces currently on board
4/5 (No hair) LoH 900m
5/5 ET3 sold
9/9 Thanatos 4b
9/9 Archdevil 3,5b
4/4 (Spear+Accessories) ET3 1,6b
4/5 (No hair) LoH 900m
4/5 LoH (no hair) 900m
Thanatos wings 600m
Thanatos thorns 1,8b
ET3 Seal 300m & ET3 Wings 300m
9/9 Archdevil 3b
is it possible to get 4/5 CM (without hair)
if yes, how much would you like to have for it? :o
I sold it a long time ago sorry
okay :c