Badekleidung Oberteil // Schwimmverein OT/BK // Velder Swimming Club Top/Bottom Pice

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  • First Ger than Eng


    suche wie im Titel zu sehen ist Bade OT und Schwimmverein Rose OT/BK

    bin bereit bei den beiden Schwimmverein teilen einen Coinpreis von ca 200k pro zu zahlen.

    Bade OT zwischen 100kk und 150kk.


    I'm searching for Bikini-Top Pice (dont know the exatcly name) an Swimming Club Top/Bottom Pice Rose.

    I would pay for both Swimming Club pices ~200k per coin.

    For the Bikini Top I would pay 100kk~150kk.

    "Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wird die Sonne Schwarz gefärbt"


    Danke an Shira

    Serraphia:" Ich hab grad bei Wallyland verloren"

  • Yes, but i am looking for the Belder/Velder Verion. These you show are the Hamel Version.

    But if you would like to sell me these, I would be totaly fine with that.

    "Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wird die Sonne Schwarz gefärbt"


    Danke an Shira

    Serraphia:" Ich hab grad bei Wallyland verloren"

  • actually both of them are the velder version for me (it must be a translation error)

    deal, but they're not sealed yet. do u take care of it?

  • Oh, no my mistake. Im sorry.

    Both are the Velder one's.

    When wie calculate the Sealing's into the price or at least a little bit. It would be a deal.

    "Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wird die Sonne Schwarz gefärbt"


    Danke an Shira

    Serraphia:" Ich hab grad bei Wallyland verloren"

  • you said you would buy each one of them for 150kk/u right? then i'll sell it to you for 275kk with the sealing at your charge.

    are you ok with that?

  • These two where the pices where I would pay 200k per Coin. Also 94kk each. But I would round up to 100kk per pice.

    So I would pay a total of 200kk +- Seal.

    "Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wird die Sonne Schwarz gefärbt"


    Danke an Shira

    Serraphia:" Ich hab grad bei Wallyland verloren"

  • This one is pat of the set which got it's own Skill-Cut-in, in the past.

    Or do you mean you would sell me 3 pices; also:

    Velder Top pice

    Velder Bottom pice

    "the 100kk~150kk" Top pice


    I found the name of the Pice I would pay 100~150

    This is called Swimm Wear.

    "Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wird die Sonne Schwarz gefärbt"


    Danke an Shira

    Serraphia:" Ich hab grad bei Wallyland verloren"

  • ok so the thing you want to buy for 100-150kk is this :

    do i finally get it?

    AND anyway we can just stop talking about this xD I only have the top-bottom that you need so let's say i sell it to you for 180kk?

  • Yes, and thank you again.

    This Thread can be closen now.

    "Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wird die Sonne Schwarz gefärbt"


    Danke an Shira

    Serraphia:" Ich hab grad bei Wallyland verloren"