I really need to pee

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  • Hello,

    Forgive me the title, but I wanted to mass catch attention o/

    Unfortunately, I do not want to pee, so please go ahead:

    I'm a returning player and I have a lot to do to catch up.

    I can't do any dungeons from Elysion to Elyanod by myself, especially less in random F8 (always someone who leave the party, who have no rez, or someone who doesn't use their skills...).

    Finding a F8 group is a pain, that is why I am looking for an active guild, with a lot members who are willing to play with each other.

    I'm not looking for a carry, just people to play with (if you need to do your 3rd job quest or skill quest, or even just play.)

    I posses a Mastermind and I am good for buff too .-.

    I only play one character for now.

    It's not like I am totally new to the game, I used to be endgame 4 years ago, but now I need to catch up, so I'm doing a lot of DH.

    I speak fluent English and French, I have vocal software if you ever need and I am +18, so quite mature (I think so).

    You can reply here, or you can send private message~