how to save elsword

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  • elsword is super dead. we need to remove every region after hamel and set the level cap to 60. the developers know that nobody cares about ruben - elysion anymore and just makes you rush through it. ever tried finding a group for the dungeons pre elyanode? you won't find one. also delete every character after chung. what the hell? who even made these annoying characters? while we are at it we need to set the highest upgrade level from 13 to 10. remember when having a +10 was cool? now it's laughable. also elyanode armor is trash. "hey guys, people are only upgrading their weapons to +12. how can we make them pay even more money?" "make it so they have to upgrade the armors to +11 to unlock elyanode tear slots and keep up with the other whales". that's actually ingenious. but it's trash for the game. there is such an extreme equipment gap that's it's impossible to defeat +13 players when you only have +9. it's actually impossible. remember when you could get sss rank through skill with only a +5 weapon? these times are over. also, this game is so dead we had to fuse all european servers and still can't run any dungeon from ruben - elysion in a group? seriously? also make 2nd class change the maximum and remove trans and 3rd class change. back then people were looking up to you for having 1st class change and if you had 2nd class change you were a god. now it's actually worthless and nobody cares unless you +13 everything with the best el tears in the universe. and elsword could have been such a good esport but you weren't even trying.

    literally make me the ceo of kog and i will save this game

  • Yes, let's totally delete everything KoG developed the past few years, what ppl played and got themselves with time / effort / money, just because you feel you can not keep up.

    Though I do not agree with many design choices the devs made (especially in terms of equipment development and balancing), none of this would help. You'd probably bring back a couple oldschool players (if they even bothered to return), but get a great many more to leave the game because they'd not be able to play their favorite characters or contents anymore.

    This thread just seems like a typical "everything was better back in the old days, bring those back and get rid off all the shid I don't like" thread.

    Will never happen, get over it and move on.

  • it's better to accept mistakes and just remove the low quality new content to fix the game. kog would really get my respect for that. the players came for the oldschool content, and now all the oldschool players are leaving. the game's population keeps decreasing. the new content isn't working

    i mean really the game went from 800-1800 on steam to ~400 oof

    Edited 2 times, last by Padepad ().

  • okay okay we can keep the new characters people were working hard for but let's do everything else or this game is going down the gutter

  • This game is going down the gutter either way

    How old is it? 12 years?

    Youre better off thinking about creating an Elsword2 and a way to let Elsword1 players swap

    This game is too old to not be doomed

    Rolling back will make more players quit than new ones join

    Diliges proximum tuum sicut te ipsum~

  • honestly yeah it's unsavable. bummer, but that's how it is and kog can't change anything now. i will do something else. thanks for the discussion