[Discord Bot] El Status

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  • So, I decided to make a Discord Bot that does the following:

    1. -Notify People on elwiki.net/babel updates
    2. -Notify Elsword EU Maintenances (EU)
    3. -Notify NA/KR PvP Rankings each day
    4. -Notify on elsword.nexon updates
    5. -Notify whenever Drabaki opens (EU)
    6. -Notify whenever Titan's Grotto opens (EU)
    7. -Sends embed guild contract messages
    8. -Ice burner minigame
    9. -Server and channel status(on/offline) (EU)
    10. -Elwiki search bar(Premium)
    11. -Stage maker for PvP Tournaments!(Premium) Still there but deprecated due to in game function
    12. -Eldrit enchant calculator

    Link: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/…pe=bot&permissions=183296

    Edited 3 times, last by Creska ().

  • It is because I'm using it in my discord to keep updated with the ranking boards.

    However, you can select wich feed you want to be on. So if you don't want them, don't activate them.

  • It is because I'm using it in my discord to keep updated with the ranking boards.

    However, you can select wich feed you want to be on. So if you don't want them, don't activate them.

    Could you also use EU pvp leaderboard?

  • Sure, but there's a problem with that.

    I'm currently using a library called puppeteer that basically screenshots the ranking board by going on the KR and NA wesbite.

    And our website is...


    completely empty. There's not even the part showing the increment/decrement of ranking placement. This thing is just dead.

  • Yes, but what if it worked?

  • I've restarted the bot today because some supersecret admin commands made the bot go offline for some reason.

    Also now all invoke commands will be deleted

    Currently 8 servers are using this bot! thanks

  • Update!

    Added s!guild [exp,relax,job] [hours] command that will send an embed message whenever you want to notify you guild members about an incoming contract!

    You can set a role to be pinged with this message with s!role [exp,relax,job] [your role]

    Addes s!fd drabaki command that will send an embed message whenever drabaki opens (EU server)

    You can set a role to be pinged with this message with s!role drabaki [your role]

    Addes s!iceburner command! It opens an ice burner based on KoG' real RNG values. 5s Cooldown.

    See all the documentation by typing s!help

  • Update!

    Now the bot will keep your configurations even after going offline!

    New commands: s!ib ranking shows the ranking board for the ib minigame, s!ib points show your points.

  • Update!

    -Added administrator privilege check when using s!feed | s!feedoff | s!role commands.
    -Changed feed url for EU, now it also retrieves happy hours and other stuff.
    s!guild command not showing the correct day when adding hours.
    -Ice burner RNG adjusted a bit.

  • Update!

    -Code of s!feed krnews adjusted a bit. Still in beta testing.

    -UI enhanced! s!help has a new UI! Go check it out! Simpler and cleaner.

    -Added s!elwiki command! Search a parameter using elwiki's searchbar. See more in s!help

  • Add one more server to your list, I really like your bot.


    01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001010 01101111 01101011 01100101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101

  • Update!

    -El Status is finally stable on 50 servers!

    -Added new commands and stuff.

    Current functions:

    1. -Notify People on elwiki.net/babel updates
    2. -Notify Elsword EU Maintenances(for EU players)
    3. -Notify NA/KR PvP Rankings each day
    4. -Notify on elsword.nexon updates
    5. -Notify whenever Drabaki opens (EU)
    6. -Notify whenever Titan's Grotto opens(EU)
    7. -Sends embed guild contract messages
    8. -Ice burner minigame
    9. -(BETA) Server and channel status(on/offline)
    10. -Elwiki search bar(Premium)
    11. -Stage maker for PvP Tournaments!(Premium)

    Bot link in the first post of this thread

    Edited once, last by Creska ().

  • Update!

    Elwiki command was improved, all of the code was improved tbh, added a function that calculates how many eldrits you need to enchant.

    s!help to see commands

    I disabled the premium so every function is now free