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1. Improvements
Start of the 4th PvP League!
League duration: 22/5/2019 (Wednesday, after maintenance) till 28/8/2019 (Wednesday, before maintenance)
System Improvements
1) Resonance Grade Renewal
· The Resonance Grade system will change as follows:
· (During maintenance on 22/5 (Wednesday), the invested Resonance Points will be reset on all characters. The points can then be reallocated as desired.)
Attack and magic attack +10
(Max points: limitless)All skill damage +0.35%
(Max 100 points)MP cost of skills: -0.2%
(Max 100 points)Defence and Magic Defence +10
(Max points: limitless)Absurdity: damage dealt/taken +0.15%
(Max 50 points)Cooldown of skills: -0.2%
(Max 100 points)All resistances +10
(Max 50 points)Damage to bosses +0.3%
(Max 50 points)EXP gain +2%
(Max 100 points)Max. HP +0.5%
(Max 50 points)Damage taken from bosses -0.4%
(Max 50 points)ED gain +2%
(Max 100 points)Max. MP: +2
(Max 50 points)Adaptability: +0.07%
(Max 100 points)Item drop rate +2%
(Max 100 points)
· A quest to reset the Resonance Grade has been added.
· The quest reward cannot be traded, cannot be sold and cannot be stored in the Account Bank.
· The quest reward ‘[CoBo] Eldrit Resonance Point Reset Scroll’ will be deleted automatically 15 days after you receive the item.
2. Improving Dungeon Matching
· A new method for dungeon matching has been added.
· It will help you find a group faster to play through a dungeon.
· The expected duration for dungeon matching will be shown.
· The ‘Wait’ function has been added for 1 person matching: instead of starting the dungeon on your own because the period for dungeon matching has expired, you will continue to wait until another character joins.
· The dungeon will start as soon as an additional group member joins. The wait can be cancelled at any time to enter the dungeon alone.
3. Improvements to Varnimyr Raid
· After 6 minutes of waiting at Crimson Edge Camp you will receive a buff. (Is not cumulative with ‘Hot Spring: Relax in the Hot Spring’.)
Buff: Search Party's Determination
Damage against boss monster +2%
Damage suffered from boss monster -2%
Adaptability +2%
· The ‘Find Search Party’ function has been added. By right-clicking on your own character at Crimson Edge Camp, you can start a Find Search Party request. Characters located in the camp will receive the following message sent on all channels: ([dungeon name] amount of group members / character name / average battle strength of search party)
4. Automatic Quest Acceptance / Improvement to Quest Help
· The ‘Deactivate Quest’ function has been added. Right-clicking on a quest in the quest window enables you to deactivate them. They will then not appear in the Quest Help and will no longer be automatically accepted.
· All quests are automatically accepted. (Exception: 1st class change)
· The amount of quests that can be active at the same time has been increased from 30 to 50.
Improvements to Character Development
1. Renewal to Character Development
· The amount of epic quests and the amount of EXP required for level ups have been adjusted. Level 99 can now be reached more quickly.
· The level requirements for epic quests and the optimal level ranges for dungeons have been adjusted.
· EXP and ED gain for epic quests has been adjusted. In addition, field quests have been deleted.
· The difficulty level of the Secret Dungeons and Hero Dungeons have been reduced.
· Rewards from epic quests in Secret Dungeons and Hero Dungeons have been improved as follows:
Quest Name
Secret Dungeon
[Secret Dungeon] Found a Hidden Dungeon
Upgrading weapons from reward cubes has been increased
from +5 to +7.
Hero Dungeon
The level of unique hero equipment
will be at least 20.[Hero Dungeon] Warped Time-Space Portal
Weapons from Weapons Chests
are no longer time-limited (30 days) but instead are permanent.
[Hero Dungeon] The Birth of a New Hero
The reward ‘[CoBo] Upgrade Scroll for Hero Dungeon Weapon’ has been increased to level 9 from level 8.
· The level of Hero equipment will be at least 20.
· ‘Secret Dungeon Entry Permit’ will drop in all normal Sander dungeons.
· Higher chance of level 25-29 when socketing Hero equipment.
· The item ‘[CoBo] CoBo Teleport Service Ticket (7 days)’ has been added to the quest reward for the final quest in Elder (‘[Dungeon] Rush to Robo Castle’).
2) Adjustments to Daily and Weekly Quests
· The Bestera Troop quests have been removed. The corresponding dungeon can be entered without the ‘Defence Call Up: Bestera Troop’.
· The amount of quest rewards from Secret dungeons have been increased.
· The requirements for completion of Hero Dungeon quests have been simplified.
· Daily and weekly quests for the regions of Elyanod and Varnimyr have been added. The reward for the daily Secret Dungeon quests have been changed. For this reason, any unused reward certificates can be exchanged with Aranka for an ‘Eldrit Reward’. (Exchange available until 24/7/2019 (Wednesday), 8:59 AM)
3. Improvements to Dungeon Rewards
· Inflicting more damage on a monster than it has HP no longer results in additional rewards.
· Characters in a group will receive the same amount of EXP and ED as lone players when playing through dungeons.
· Hero Coins are no longer available.
4) New Title Added
· There are new titles to unlock.
5) Noble Magic Stones Added
· Added the Noble Magic Stone, that grants a max of +9% for weapons and +4.5% for armour.
o (The values are halved for armour.)
· A new weekly quest series has been added that you can complete to earn Noble Magic Stones.
6) Stats and Chance of Magic Stones Adjusted
· The stats and chances of all magic stones in armour with upgrade levels +0 to +11 have been raised to the stats of upgrade level +12.
Improvement to the Character Body Proportions
· Body proportions for Elsword, Rena, Raven, Chung, Elesis, Add and Lu have been adjusted.
Improvements for More Comfort
· The same items will be summarised together in the inventory.
· The Hot Springs of Ruben and Ranox have received a Letter Box.
· The ‘[CoBo] Character Slot Expansion Card (1 field)’ is now available in the ED Shop.
· The search function in the Magic Wardrobe has been improved.
Content Improvements
· Wonder Drugs can now be stacked up to 300 pieces (previously 30). The level limitation for the use of wonder drugs have been removed.
· The amount of necessary entry tickets for dungeons has been adjusted.
2. Guild Content Renovations 3
Guild Mini Games
Guild members can play Guild Mini Games together.
· The ‘Guild’ tab has been added to the ‘Start Dungeon’ window.
· There are 2 different Guild Mini Games:
o Hungry Spirit
o Ram Moby
· Each mini game takes place over 1 round.
· 2 to 6 people can take part in a game.
· The level of all taking part will be set to 1.
· Level 10 to 99 is required to play.
· Item quick slots cannot be used.
· All characters will automatically ride on special Guild Mini Game mounts. (It is not possible to dismount or change the mount.)
· Titles have no effect.
· Pets will be sent away when you enter.
· There are no resurrections.
· You do not receive any EXP.
· There are no retries.
· You can play as often as you like. (The reward is only provided once per day, however.)
Renewal of Guild Skills
· Amount of guild skills has been increased from 12 to 16. (A fourth row of guild skills has been added.)
· The position of some skills has been changed. (Details will be released on this soon.)
· A guild skill window has been added. (Details will be released on this soon.)
· A function in the guild skill window has been added.
Guild Skins Added
· Guild skins have been added which alter the appearance of the guild headquarters.
· The guild registration form has had an ‘Adjust’ function added.
· New flag patterns have been added.
· Maximum guild level has been increased from 20 to 25.
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