Rompecabezas de pascua

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  • EG7ebVx.png

    Desde sus comienzos, la pascua ha sido una época de celebración y festejos y muchos juegos tradicionales de pascua así como sus costumbres, tales como las carreras de rodado del huevo de Pascua, combate con huevos, los juegos de Pace Egg, los cascarones o huevos de confeti e incluso la decoración de huevos. Hoy en día la pascua es evento comercial importante, como vemos en las ventas de postales y repostería como los huevos de chocolate de pascua o otras comidillas de pascua. Incluso aquellos que no son cristianos celebran estas peculiaridades de la fiesta sin tener en cuenta los aspectos religiosos de la misma.


    • El objetivo de este concurso es completar rompecabezas, o más conocidos como puzzles.
    • Hay alrededor de 14 puzzles a completar. Hemos usado una página web externa para hacerlos.
    • Los miembros del equipo no pueden participar y las reglas del foro se aplican a este concurso.
    • El primer usuario en completar el puzzle ganará 6 puntos, el segundo 4,5 puntos, el tercero 3 puntos, el cuarto 2 puntos y el resto 1 punto. Los ganadores serán aquellos que alcancen una mayor puntuación al final.
    • En el caso de que hubieran más de dos ganadores los premios se repartirían a aquel que ha completado los puzzles con más velocidad.
    • El ranking será publicado cuando el concurso haya terminado.
    Primer paso Segundo paso Tercer paso
    Completa el puzzle.
    PISTA: El sistema te permite obtener ayuda si lo necesitases. ¡Échale un vistazo al menú para explorar las opciones!
    Nota: Está prohibido editar las imágenes que nos mandéis.

    • ¿Qué se necesita ver en la captura de pantalla?


    • El concurso empieza el 25.03.2019 (00:00 CET Time).
    • Solo habrá un puzzle por día que se puede publicar a cualquier hora.
    • La fecha límite es: 10.04.2019 (23:59 CET Time).


    • Primer lugar:

    1080 Monedas EL announcement_gladiatus_tw_d3fbb7f8638e463aecce6e64bd66f952.png

    • Segundo lugar:

    720 Monedas EL announcement_gladiatus_tw_d3fbb7f8638e463aecce6e64bd66f952.png

    • Tercer lugar:

    720 Monedas EL announcement_gladiatus_tw_d3fbb7f8638e463aecce6e64bd66f952.png

    • Posición 4 a la 15:

    360 Monedas EL announcement_gladiatus_tw_d3fbb7f8638e463aecce6e64bd66f952.png

    El equipo se reserva el derecho a descalificar y/o advertir a aquellos usuarios que no sigan las pautas establecidas en este hilo. Si tienes alguna duda acerca de este concurso no tengas miedo a contactarnos via IRC o MP y responderemos lo antes posible.


    ~ <3


  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El primer puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el primer puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El segundo puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el segundo puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El tercer puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el tercer puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El cuarto puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el cuarto puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El quinto puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el quinto puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • Dear players,

    Due the high amount of participants I won't reply your conversations back saying something like " REGISTERED ". However, you can ask me if there's any puzzle missing in your ranking and I gladly will answer you.

    I hope you understand that replying you in every single conversation makes the procedure a bit slower.

    Thank you! :blushes:


    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El sexto puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el sexto puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El séptimo puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el séptimo puzzle.

    (Algunas piezas están rotadas por lo que dificulta el puzzle).



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El Octavo puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el octavo puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El noveno puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el noveno puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El décimo puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el décimo puzzle.

    (Algunas piezas están rotadas por lo que dificulta el puzzle).



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El undécimo puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el undécimo puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El duodécimo puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el duodécimo puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El decimotercero puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el decimotercero puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • :fountaineaster:

    Queridos jugadores,

    El decimocuarto puzzle acaba de ser publicado.

    Haz click aquí y completa el decimocuarto puzzle.



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • Dear players!

    As you might already know, there won't be more puzzles. Remember that you still can submit your puzzles (if you are missing some of them) until 10.04.19 23.59 CET.

    After this date, we will post the ranking so you can check that your dates are correct (Mistakes can happen!)

    Thank you all for participating!

    Your Elsword Team



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • Dear players,

    Time is UP! We will provide you more information within the next few hours.

    Thank you!



    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • Hey again!

    In this post you might be able to see the ranking with all your entries. Please, make sure ALL entries you've submitted are settled in your row properly.

    :bluearrow: Jigsaw ranking

    What's next?

    • We will give you three days to check everything. Deadline is 14.04.2019 23.59 CET.
    • Create a new conversation if something is wrong with your entries. Click here.
    • Winners may change if something needs to be edited.
    • Prizes will be provided along the next week (15.04 - 19.04.2019).
    • Final winners will be announced on Monday 15th april.

    I hope you all liked the event as I did.

    Your Elsword Team


    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

    Edited once, last by Maeve ().

  • Deadline has been reached.

    More info will be provided tomorrow.


    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~