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1. Characteristics
· The guild farm is located in an extended area to the right of the Guild HQ. There are character plots and guild member plots there.
· In the character plot (from here simply referenced as ‘plot’), the character can sow seeds and harvest.
· There are three plots in the Guild Farm. At the start only the left-side plot can be used.
· The two other plots can be unlocked by a guild member who has permission to use coins. To do so, they must visit NPC Miyu and purchase the plots using the Plot Expansion option in the Service section. The plots will be unlocked from left to right.
· Plot Expansion (Level 1) costs 3,000 Guild Coins, Plot Expansion (Level 2) costs 5,000 Guild Coins. (Plot Expansion (Level 2) can only be purchased once Plot Expansion (Level 1) has been bought.)
· Alongside the plots, there are nine plots belonging to guild members. You can see what guild members have planted there.
· Depending on the growth level of the recovered plants, their appearance will change. The changes will first be visible upon re-entry to the Guild HQ.
· The Guild NPC (Miyu) sells items in her Service section that can be acquired using Seed Coupons or Guild Coins.
· Seeds require Seed Coupons, Plot Expansions and Fertiliser require Guild Coins.
· Seed can be bought by all guild members, not just members with coin permissions.
2. Character Plot
- When you are stood in front of the plot you can open the Guild Farm window by pressing the Z key.
- Plant seed by dragging seeds into an empty slot or by right-clicking on a seed.
- After planting, the duration until harvest and the harvest gain will be displayed.
- 1) You can view your own plot as well as those of guild members.
- 2) The seed is recovered here. Each plant has its own appearance.
- 3) The status of plant growth will be displayed. The appearance changes according to the level of growth, from seed to sprout to fully-grown plant.
0-50% (seed), 50-80% (sprout), 80-100% (fully grown)
- 4) The guild’s amount of fertiliser is displayed. An effect description of the fertiliser can be called up using the tool tip.
- 5) Information on the current status of plants is shown.
- Locked plots do not permit any planting. A plot expansion is required.
- Click on the shovel icon to remove the plants from the plot. When you do this, the seed is lost.
3. Guild Member Plots
· Clicking on Guild Member Plot in the Guild Farm window will show their status.
· The type of plant, the duration till fruition and the expected harvest amount is shown.
· You can click on a character in the list of guild members to show all details on these plots.
· If something is planted in a Guild Member Plot, you can water it.
· Watering increases the harvest of a Guild Member Plot by 20% and you receive 10% of the harvest via mail when it is picked.
· Each plot comes with 1 watering can for others’ plots; you can water a maximum of 3 Guild Member Plots at once. Refilling the watering can takes 1 hour.
4. High-Quality Fertiliser
· Only guild members with coin permissions can make purchases of High Quality Fertiliser (from here referred to as ‘fertiliser’) from Guild NPC Miyu. A sack of fertiliser costs 3 Guild Coins.
· Fertiliser is sent to the Guild Bank on purchase.
· The available amounts of fertiliser is shown in Miyu’s Service window, under the Guild Farm tab.
· Fertiliser is used by pressing ‘Fertilise’ after you have sown a seed. The guild must be in possession of fertiliser for this to function.
· Each guild member can fertilise their own plot, but only 1x per seed.
· Fertilising increases the harvest of a plot by 30%.
5. Harvesting
· Once the plant is fully grown it can be harvested.
· The harvest will be stored in your inventory: if your inventory is full, you will not be able to harvest.
6. Cooking
· Harvested produce can be consumed raw, but it is more effective to cook them with Miyu for a small fee.
· You can make different foods from the different produce that you harvest. The cooked food will have better effects than their raw counterparts.
· Guild food is not affected by the guild expedition debuff of reduced effectiveness of recovery items.
· Guild food also has a different cooldown than guild consumables.
7. New Quest
· When you enter a guild, you will receive a one-time Guide Quest.
· This quest cannot be ended by leaving the guild before it finishes. The quest will be available again when you rejoin a guild.
8. New Achievements
· Achievements related to guilds have been added (farm, expedition, flag).
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