hey du danke für die schnelle antwort, also wärs oke wenn wir noch warten biss uns jemand full bietet... und wenn nich würden wir uns noch mal bei dir melden.
Posts by Sun
FatalBeing (Chung) and me want to buy Full HNO (dark one), so two times full set !
aaand This coinsshop stuff 2x !
https://www.pic-upload.de/view-35843907/lol.jpg.html we buy all in the pic. o-o
(we can also trade for full serbius ara aisha eve or other stuff owo just pm)
so pls PM or text me here >-< aaand thx
pls pm me c:
2x top 3% Crit dmg , / + 1x 2% crit dmg, + stone with skill Rose --> Massacre --> 9-12%
2x bot 3% Crit dmg, / + stone with skill Rose --> Massacre --> 9-12%
2x gloves 3% Crit dmg, / + 1x Lv.27-29 Stone
2x shoes 3% Crit dmg, / + 1x Lv.27-29 Stone
and some good stacking stones/ Group buffs too
pls w me if u have somethin from that
i can seal if its necessery but then i will subtract 120kk from the price (if its an golden one)
in Imperial 6/9 what is there?
Hii soo i want to trade/buy,:
-HNO Full Ciel for Ciel Full Et1 or Masquerade Full
-Lu Royal Servant 5/5 + Mariposa Seal for Full Imperial Lu
--> or TH Ciel Wings Thorns and Eyes for full Imperial Lu
2x top 3% Crit dmg , / + 1x 2% crit dmg, + stone with skill Rose --> Massacre --> 9-12%
2x bot 3% Crit dmg, /+ 1x 2% crit dmg, + stone with skill Rose --> Massacre --> 9-12%
2x gloves 3% Crit dmg, / + 1x Lv.27-29 Stone
2x shoes 3% Crit dmg, / + 1x Lv.27-29 Stone
pls w me if u have somethin from that
i can seal if its necessery but then i will subtract 120kk from the price (if its an golden one)
yo, unicorn aura 700kk + my seal
oh sry didnt notice ... its not for sell i ddidnt cut it out my bad
Selling Salvatore Ebalon too 5/5 relik and weapon
SS_ Shadow and Sweet Girl B4A1 sold
can be closed c:
Nasod Battle Seraph Weapon
Serbius Full
Et2 Gloves Shoes and bottom
Archpriest Gloves SHoes
Street Star Full black ver.
SweetGirl B4A1 Full
SS Shadow
Elpheus Wings
PM Me c: with good offers
Salvatore Rosso --> sold >-<
still selling
Einsamer wolf(lonely Wolfe) ?
EO Black top
MK2 Full
.... pm me c:
still buying .... i can add +9 scroll to my offer from 1.2kkk
yeye wie du meinst trzd mehr wert als 500 xD und lvl 29 stein vergessen ? krit dmg kostet trzd was (ist ja mein preis und ist ja nicht notwenig es zu vk). nur mal so reingestellt